I've finally pushed fuse adapter to both master and 1.1 branch including
documentation and demo example with instructions on how to have it
running on karaf/fuse. Finally I managed to secure the web based
applications on Fuse with our Jetty8 adapter. The main pitfall was about
properly inject KeycloakJettyAuthenticator to the Jetty engine for
various kind of apps (classic WAR, OSGI deployed servlet, Apache CXF,
Apache Camel).
There is many changed files in repo now, however it's mainly about
packaging, examples and distribution. No changes in the core code
despite some minor change in jetty adapter. Few things:
* Added OSGI headers to some of our maven modules, which are supposed to
be running as OSGI bundles in fuse/karaf. It's keycloak-core,
keycloak-adapter-core, keycloak-jetty adapters etc.
* Renamed java package in jetty-core module to
"org.keycloak.adapters.jetty.core" . OSGI doesn't like when there are 2
jars having same package when one of them depend on the other. I've
finally change the package just in jetty-core as there are just internal
classes. Docs doesn't need to be changed and adapter is backwards
compatible as name of authenticator class is still
* Changes in "distribution/osgi" related to OSGI bundling to allow have
adapter and easily install it in fuse/karaf
* Added "fuse" example with couple of sub-modules . This is slightly
modified version of our demo, which is supposed to be deployed on
karaf/fuse. This brings some Apache dependencies like cxf, camel etc.
but all of them are supposed to be in maven central.
Hope I did not break anything and you all are still able to build
Let me know if you have more points, suggestions.
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