Hi all,
I already have Wildfly 8.1.0.Final installed, and try to install Keycloak war distribtion
1.1.0.Beta2. When deploying the client Keycload Wildfly adapter dist 1.1.0.Beta2 to
Wildfly, I notice that the adapter overrides the some Wildfly module file to use different
jar file than the one provided by Wildfly. In particular,
1. the file ../modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/as/cli/main/module.xml is
replaced to use wildfly-cli-1.0.0.Alpha12.jar instead of the provided file
2. The file ../modules/system/layers/base/org/jboss/aesh/main/module.xml is
replaced to use aesh-0.33.12.jar instead of the Wildfly provided file ash-0.33.11.jar
My question are:
1. What is the difference of the Wildfly provided jar files and the Keycloak
2. Why Keycloak uses a different files than the one provided by the Wildfly
3. Is there any impact if I uses the Wildfly provided jar files instead of the
Keycloak one?
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