I'm on it. :)
On 6/18/2015 12:12 AM, Brandon Gaisford wrote:
I made the entity updates and also corrected some embedded SQL,
everything looks good. Give it a whirl and let me know.
Pull request:
On Jun 17, 2015, at 4:19 PM, Brandon Gaisford <bgaisford(a)punagroup.com
<mailto:bgaisford@punagroup.com>> wrote:
> A couple of things I found out today while working on this. First,
> live databases are required even if doing the initial scripts dump
> from the hibernate entities. Fundamental to liquibase is the notion
> of a change set, the first thing liquibase does is connect to the
> database and asks what the current change set is. Hoping we can code
> around this in liquibase. Second, postgres doesn’t like camelCase
> column names, when it sees these it faithfully creates the column, but
> it quotes the column name (e.g. “createdBy”). That in turn breaks the
> data population scripts later.
> I’m going to go through all the entities and makes some updates, see
> what breaks. Its pretty standard in database terms to not use
> camelCase for column names and instead use underscores.
> Here’s a section of the GatewayBean that has been updated (added name
> = “xx_yy” to the @Column annotations):
> @Id
> @Column(nullable=false)
> privateStringid;
> @Column(nullable=false)
> privateStringname;
> @Column(updatable=true, nullable=true, length=512)
> privateStringdescription;
> @Column(name ="created_by", updatable=false, nullable=false)
> privateStringcreatedBy;
> @Column(name ="created_on", updatable=false, nullable=false)
> privateDatecreatedOn;
> @Column(name ="modified_by", updatable=true, nullable=false)
> privateStringmodifiedBy;
> @Column(name ="modified_on", updatable=true, nullable=false)
> privateDatemodifiedOn;
> @Column(updatable=true, nullable=false)
> @Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)
> privateGatewayTypetype;
> @Lob
> @Column(updatable=true, nullable=false)
> privateStringconfiguration;
> Brandon
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