RESTEasy 3.1.0.Beta1
by Alessio Soldano
I've just tagged 3.1.0.Beta1 and released its artifacts to the nexus
maven repository.
This is a chance for starting playing with the new minor.
Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss
8 years, 5 months
SerializableProvider to be deprecated?
by Katerina Novotna
Hi all,
I would like to start discussion whether org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.SerializableProvider should be deprecated.
This provider is disabled by default in resteasy since RESTEASY-1269, marked as potentially unsafe. The question is whether we should continue to support it?
There are other ways to pass custom objects into jaxrs methods like send it in json or xml format and use jaxb or jackson2 providers..
8 years, 5 months
resteasy-examples' parent
by TengYan
I am looking and trying the resteasy-examples and found paratent
ralitive path ../../pom.xml in each example doesn't exists. Should we
change to parent pom to org.jboss.resteasy:testable-examples-pom instead
of org.jboss.resteasy: resteasy-jaxrs-all , and also add these
dependencies in dependency management ...
I'd like to get your comments and suggestions.
8 years, 5 months
Swagger support
by Jim Ma
If I understand correctly. Our resteasy links serves the similar thing
as swagger but with atom link format. Swagger is more and more widely
used for restful api documentation, should we add the swagger support
too ? Do you think swagger can be a replacement for resteasy link resouce?
8 years, 5 months
Document: Upgrading from Resteasy 2 to Resteasy 3
by Ron Sigal
I've written a brief document discussing the deprecated classes in
Resteasy 2 and branch 3.0.x, attached in PDF form. Feel free to
1. ignore it
2. criticize it
My company's smarter than your company (unless you work for Red Hat)
8 years, 5 months update 3.1.0
by Rebecca Searls
There is outdated information in the The most egregious is the ref to
the wiki, The URL no longer exists.
The new URL is, however the information
on this page is outdated. The last update was 2013. There are a couple of ways to
address this,
1. Update the information on the wiki page.
2. Replace the existing page with a new one; The new page could link to the old page.
3. Remove the reference to the wiki page from the README.
I recommend option 1 or 2
The other information to be updated is
A. Ref the new location of the examples.
B. JDK 1.8 is to be used. ant scriptlets are no longer an issue
C. Provide URL to the JDK 8 Cryptography Extension
8 years, 5 months