Re-Thinking Configuration Look Ups
by James Perkins
Hello All,
We've had some issues pop-up recently with regards to configuration in
RESTEasy. Specifically around how the ConfigurationFactory is looked up.
I've created a document that should be viewable and you should be able to
comment on it. Currently it's more of a brain dump than anything while
looking at this. However, I'd like to open this up for others' input too.
Please feel free to reply here or comment on the document with ideas.
One of the leading reasons for this is there was a new Options created to
look up options or a default value and clearly document that within the
code. I would like to expand on converting more property lookups to use the
Options. However, we need to figure out the
ConfigurationFactory/Configuration lookup part first.
James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat
2 years, 3 months