New dependency on reactive-contexts
by Stephane Epardaud
At the moment, the resteasy-rxjava and resteasy-rxjava2 modules register
hooks into the rxjava and rxjava2 plugin/hook system, in order to
propagate the RESTEasy context (thread-local) into all phases of rxjava
single/flowable/etc, which can otherwise be scheduled on any
scheduler/thread and so would lose the RESTEasy context.
RxJava being what it is, you can only register a single plugin/hook
globally, so if RESTEasy defines it, nobody else can. That's
problematic, because CDI also requires context propagation, and so does
Redpipe (to name just the two examples I am using ATM), so I created a
library called Reactive Contexts which decouples libraries that have a
context to propagate (RESTEasy, CDI, Redpipe, etc…) and libraries that
provide context propagation (RxJava1, 2, etc…).
That library is super small (4k core, 13k propagator for rxjava). I'd
like to remove the custom context propagation in the
resteasy-rxjava/rxjava2 and make those modules depend on a new
resteasy-reactive-context which would depend on reactive-contexts-core
to provide a context provider for RESTEasy.
This way, I can also make CDI and Redpipe provide such a module and all
those contexts will be propagated for rxjava for all users :)
WDYT? Do you agree on that extra dependency ? It's only for the rxjava
modules, not the core.
6 years, 5 months
Running tests in the IDE
by Stephane Epardaud
On master, I've added a test runner called UndertowTestRunner which you
can use in place of the ArquillianTestRunner during development to run
unit tests in your IDE rather than on the command line. This means you
get IDE support, and easy debugging support too. I know it made my life
much easier.
It should be a drop-in replacement for ArquillianTestRunner, so you only
need to change @RunWith(Arquillian.class) with
@RunWith(UndertowTestRunner.class) but if it doesn't work in your case,
don't hesitate to improve it. Also don't forget to revert the runner of
the test back to Arquillian after you're done testing, because we want
CI and command-line tests to use Arquillian.
6 years, 8 months