Jakarta EE10 RESTful WS 3.1 issues/prs
by Jim Krueger
I currently work on the OpenLiberty RESTful web services (JAX-RS) development team.
As with EE9 RESTful WS 3.0, OpenLiberty will be consuming RESTEasy for Jakarta EE10 RESTful WS 3.1.
I'm wondering if there are specific issues/pull requests in RestEasy for the various spec items, such as "Support for multipart media type", "Better alignment with JSON-B", etc.? Also, has a future version of RESTEasy been designated for Jakarta EE10 support?
I've been looking a https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RESTEASY-1925 and digging around a bit, but haven't found anything definitive (perhaps I'm not seeing the obvious).
Any information you can provide will help helpful. Thanks
2 years, 9 months