Hi Rebecca,
jira for this has been created already, see:
Speaking of wiki, there are two links to some tutorials on
https://developer.jboss.org. Content like that may be directly in
RESTEasy documentation (
http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.17.Final/userguide/ ).
But I really like list of links to external articles about
JAX-RS/RESTEasy in wiki. Unfortunately, this list is not up to date. It
would be great to keep this list, so everyone could add new articles to
this wiki page. But I don't have permission to edit this page.
On 07/20/2016 05:11 PM, Rebecca Searls wrote:
There is outdated information in the README.md. The most egregious
is the ref to
the wiki,
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RESTeasyJAXRS. The URL no longer exists.
The new URL is
https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/ResteasyWIKI, however the information
on this page is outdated. The last update was 2013. There are a couple of ways to
address this,
1. Update the information on the wiki page.
2. Replace the existing page with a new one; The new page could link to the old
3. Remove the reference to the wiki page from the README.
I recommend option 1 or 2
The other information to be updated is
A. Ref the new location of the examples.
B. JDK 1.8 is to be used. ant scriptlets are no longer an issue
C. Provide URL to the JDK 8 Cryptography Extension
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