On Jun 1, 2016, at 4:09 PM, Marek Kopecky <mkopecky(a)redhat.com>
On 06/01/2016 06:26 AM, Weinan Li wrote:
>> >
>> 2) I know we've talked about what to do with tjws, but I don't know if we
reached a conclusion. This would be a good time to deprecate it, if we're going to do
> +1 to deprecate it and migrate our tests still using the tjws fully to RESTEasy's
cool undertow container :-)
Conclusion here on resteasy-dev list was, that we will use WildFly (not Undertow
container). See this mail from Alessio:
http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/resteasy-dev/2016-May/000008.html I still feel that
using wildfly for *all* the tests is overkill (anyway wildfly is using undertow).
But I'll follow team's decision :-)
We can move QE-internal-RESTEasy-TS to RESTEasy, see
• This TS contains all migrated tests from RESTEasy. These tests run against WildFly.
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