Before fileing a Jira-Ticket I wanted to confirm that the behavior I
describe below is really a bug in resteasy or works as designed.
While implementing REST-Services in a quarkus application we came across
the problem that when doing fileuploads who are require the use of
resteasy-multipart-provider we can not use custom converters registered
for our POJOs (well in our REST-APIs we only have interfaces).
So what's the problem if we have an REST-Endpoint like this:
public String multiPartInterface(@MultipartForm MPDataInterface data) {
return data.metaData.getMetaInfo();
public static class MPDataInterface {
public InputStream document;
public IMetaData metaData;
package at.bestsolution.quarkus;
public interface IMetaData {
String getMetaInfo();
The upload fails because there's not way for REST-Easy to convert from
the JSON-Encoded metaData to Java-Object (that's expected).
Because of that we register "ParamConverterProvider" [1] for those
types. This works great for @PathParam(), @QueryParam but fails for the
From looking into the code I see no codepath leading the useage
"ParamConverterProvider", hence my question is this by design or nobody
yet came across that?
I've prepared a simple test-case sample based on quarkus [2]. You can
run that using "mvn clean test".