I thought I'd share some of the good progress that has been made in this area:
The Apiman CLI tool will now:
* Allow Apiman Gateway API to be driven directly.
* Expose new Apiman Gateway API "list entity" functions (e.g. list
orgs, APIs, Clients, Versions, etc).
* List all orgs: apiman-cli gateway organization list
* List all APIs in org "test": apiman-cli gateway api list --org test
* Directly apply YAML declarations on the Gateway API (with status checks, etc).
* Generate Headless Gateway JSON configs from the YAML declaration format.
For more detail, see:
On 25 July 2017 at 17:11, Marc Savy <marc.savy(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Here's the PR for those who want to track progress:
On 18 July 2017 at 23:34, Marc Savy <marc.savy(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Here's a preview of my proposed data format -- it reuses the format
> and model developed by Pete Cornish and his team; big kudos to them!
> [1].
> I'm soliciting suggestions and comments, feel free to reply here (or
> reach out privately if that's not possible).
> Example:
> apiman-cli gateway apply -f /Users/msavy/tmp/sample.yaml
> ```
> # sample.yaml
> ---
> system:
> gateways:
> - name: "test-gw"
> type: "REST"
> config:
> endpoint: "http://localhost:8080/apiman-gateway-api"
> username: "apimanager"
> password: "apiman123!"
> plugins:
> - name: TestPolicyFriendlyName // (1)
> groupId: "io.apiman.plugins"
> artifactId: "apiman-plugins-test-policy"
> version: "1.3.1.Final"
> org:
> name: "test"
> apis:
> - name: "example"
> version: "1.0"
> config:
> endpoint: "http://localhost:8080/services/echo"
> endpointType: "rest"
> public: true
> gateway: "test-gw"
> policies:
> - name: "CachingPolicy" // (2)
> config:
> ttl: 60
> - plugin: TestPolicyFriendlyName // (3)
> config:
> foo: 123
> ```
> (1) Friendly name for plugin instead of having to refer to it by full GAV
> (2) In-built policy will be looked up to ensure it exists and resolves
> the correct FQCN.
> (3) Add a policy by plugin friendly name (else GAV)
> One rare edge case when multiple policies are defined in a single
> plugin. In that situation we allow disambiguation by providing the
> plugin's `id` in the `name`/`id` field:
> ```
> <SNIP>
> policies:
> - name: PolicyOne
> plugin: PluginWithMultiplePolicies
> config:
> foo: 123
> ```
> Thoughts? Feedback?
> Still a bit of work to do before it's PR-ready but making some progress.
> Regards,
> Marc
> [1] With one tiny addition.
> On 7 July 2017 at 14:29, Marc Savy <marc.savy(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> > We've had some people using the Apiman Gateway headless for a while
> > now, either with the new immutable registry that loads from JSON[1],
> > or simply using any existing registry via the gateway API instead of
> > using a manager.
> >
> > The main issue people encounter is that policy configuration contains
> > two fields that are difficult to work out and clumsy to encode
> > properly[1]:
> >
> > - `policyImpl` requires the plugin's URI, including the path to its
> > main class. You can work these out by looking at the plugin's source
> > code, but that's rather circuitous and it would be nicer to just
> > provide the plugin's GAV (like in the manager) and for it to be
> > resolved.
> >
> > - `policyJsonConfig`[3] needs to be escaped properly (and must valid
> > according to its schema).
> >
> > Neither of these aspects are especially user-friendly. My proposal is
> > to extend apiman-cli's functionality to allow the Apiman Gateway to be
> > configured directly via a YAML/JSON file (i.e. declaratively).
> >
> > We can therefore provide a more user-friendly interface that automates
> > the resolution of plugins; validations and escapes the policy config;
> > etc.
> >
> > A final step would be to bundle the apiman-cli tool with our distros
> > to make it easier to access.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Marc
> >
> > [1]
> >
> > [2] Of course, this interface was never truly designed to be used by
> > humans, so that's understandable
> > [3] Unfortunately named as it can be any arbitrary string, the policy
> > just needs to be able to decode it. For example, it could be XML.