I answered this already in IRC.
We can't rely upon CDI being available in the gateway environment, and
we didn't want to ship with a bundled CDI solution as they all tend to
be large with a substantial number of transitive dependencies and would
limit our ability to work on embedded platforms.
On 12/02/2016 11:02, Charles Moulliard wrote:
Is there a reason why the Apiman Gateway Services aren't injected using
CDI like Apiman Manager ?
Can we use for OSGI platform a different strategy to load the services
and expose them (Apache Felix SCR annotations or Apache Aries Blueprint)
as we have many issues with Resteasy deployed on Karaf like also to use
Pax CDI ?
Example : The Resteasy CDI Extension object is null when we call the
BeanManager (created using PAx CDI Weld) to get the bean. This problem
occurs not matter if we embed the Resteasy CDI extension within the
bundle of Apiman Manager or as a bundle
private ResteasyCdiExtension lookupResteasyCdiExtension() {
Set<Bean<?>> beans = manager.getBeans(ResteasyCdiExtension.class);
Bean<?> bean = manager.resolve(beans);
if (bean == null) {
throw new
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