As you may (or may not) know, we have had a Vert.x 3-based gateway
hiding in our code-base for a couple of months now. Over that time it's
received a fair bit of automated and manual testing, in addition to a
good few tweaks and bug-fixes.
The next step is to have a few intrepid community members try it out!
It still has a few areas where we'll be looking to do improvements as
features arrive from upstream, but generally things should work fine.
Without further ado -
= Prerequisites:
* At the moment, ElasticSearch is the only component type supported. So,
you'll need ES available on the machine(s) you're testing this on.
* You need Java 8 and Maven
= Build apiman master:
git clone
https://github.com/apiman/apiman.git && cd apiman
mvn clean install
cd gateway/platforms/vertx3/vertx3/
= Edit src/conf/conf.json:
To better understand how this works, check out this README:
Take particular note of which port your 'api' and 'http' verticles are
running on. Feel free to change the 'count' of each type (e.g. 5 policy
For each of the ES components, you'll need to edit it to match your
local config - it might well be the same.
= Run:
java -jar
target/apiman-gateway-platforms-vertx3-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar -conf
= Add the gateway:
Fire up the apiman manager in the usual way, and in the Administration
section, 'Manage Gateways'. Put in the details of your Vert.x Gateway,
and give it a test
Remember: you need to add the *API* endpoint here - by default
http://localhost:8081; username: admin, password: admin.
You should be able to explicitly publish stuff to your Vert.x 3 gateway now!
= Are you brave?
Run with -cluster to run in clustered mode.
Let us know how it goes.