  • 11 participants
  • 167 discussions
[forge/core] 4e5020: FORGE-2327: Introspecting the qualifier annotation
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] 4001eb: FORGE-2327: Added CDI: New Annotation Literal comm...
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] 346bc7: FORGE-2325: Improved javadoc
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] d1c9a8: FORGE-2325 : JSF converter and validator should be...
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] af0327: FORGE-2323 : Being able to create a new servlet
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] d425d4: FORGE-2226 : Being able to add a CDI injection poi...
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] 6b4d5f: FORGE-2322 : faces-new-validator generates a @Face...
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] a4022a: FORGE-2321 : Refactor common code into the xxxOper...
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/core] 24b093: Created AbstractProjectFacet as a base class for f...
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
[forge/website] e8ff70: Fetching News info when in detail
by George Gastaldi
9 years, 8 months
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