On 06/01/2016 08:16 PM, Ron Sigal wrote:
About a month ago Katerina sent a note about the qe-internal RESTEasy
testsuite at
and I keep failing to look at it, until today's tjws thread. Katerina
and everyone else who worked on it: I'm apologize for taking so long.
It looks like a wonderful piece of work, and we absolutely have to
take advantage of it.
1. I don't see an obvious one-one relationship between the upstream TS
and the qe TS. Katerina, you said
The testsuite contains all tests from resteasy upstream (applicable to
current version of Resteasy in EAP, running with arquillian on EAP where
applicable). The rest are the unit tests.
I'm not quite sure how to interpret that. Could you say more about
which parts of the upstream TS are in the qe TS and which parts aren't?
Katerina has PTO this week and next week, so she can't reply to you now.
There are no simple one-one relationship. We tried to put tests to
suitable packages, that has often same name as in upstream TS.
* QE TS contains all tests form upstream for RESTEasy parts, that are
part of WildFly, except:
o There are many duplicite tests in upstream TS, QE TS contains
each test only once.
+ same tests for different container (TJWS, WF8, WF9, ...)
+ One test for old client, one test for new client. QE TS
contains tests for new client.
o QE TS contains test for WF. QE TS doesn't contain test for other
containers (netty, undertow, etc.).
+ Tests for other containers is changed to use arquillian&&WF
(except duplicities)
o i18n tests are not a part of QE TS
o QE TS doesn't contains tests, that were introduced in RE 3.0.17
yet. But I add these test this and next week.
o Examples
* Tests from these modules are in QE TS:
o arquillian
o as7-integration-testing
o as8-integration-testing
o async-http-servlet-3.0
o jboss-integration-testing
o providers
+ jackson
+ jackson2
+ jaxb
+ jettison
+ json-p-ee7
+ multipart
+ resteasy-atom
+ resteasy-validator-provider-11
+ test-all-jaxb
+ test-jackson-jaxb-coexistence
+ yaml
o resteasy-cdi
o resteasy-jaxrs
o resteasy-jaxrs-testsuite
o resteasy-spring
o security/resteasy-crypto
o security/jose-jwt
o war-tests
2. If we copy the qe TS into a Resteasy module, can we just adapt
those Resteasy tests missing from the qe TS and put the results in the new Resteasy
Yes, we can. QE has a list of test, which is not in QE TS ...
3. Technical question: I tried running the qe TS with -PexcludeFailing, but I get
[INFO] Total time: 2.687 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-06-01T12:34:06-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 27M/277M
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
(default-test) on project resteasy-build-tools:
groups/excludedGroups require TestNG or JUnit48+ on project test
classpath -> [Help 1]
What am I doing wrong?
I have some other task this week, but I will look to this next week.
Anyway, I have not seen this error yet ...