On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 16:00 +0200, Bela Ban wrote:
Paul Ferraro wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 15:23 +0200, Bela Ban wrote:
>> jean-frederic clere wrote:
>>> On 07/06/2010 02:55 PM, Bela Ban wrote:
>>>> A domain shows that it has node1, node2, node3, but that doesn't
>>>> necessaily mean that node[1-3] really formed a cluster !
>>> So you mean you want an additional information in the
>>> /mod_cluster-manager and have something like:
>>> Node1:
>>> Balancer: mycluster,Domain: dom1,cluster: cluster0,...
>>> Node2:
>>> Balancer: mycluster,Domain: dom1,cluster: cluster0,...
>>> node3:
>>> Balancer: mycluster,Domain: dom1,cluster: cluster1,...
>>> or node3:
>>> Balancer: mycluster,Domain: dom1,cluster: ,...
>> The information should also show the node in the cluster, e.g.
>> Node1:
>> Balancer: mycluster,Domain: dom1,cluster: cluster0 [Node1,Node2]
>> Node2:
>> Balancer: mycluster,Domain: dom1,cluster: cluster0 [Node1,Node2]
>> We should make sure though that mod_cluster_manager doesn't get
>> overloaded with this information... node names can get long !
>>> Correct? ... How could we get that information? In the STATUS MCMP?
>> Brian, Paul ?
> If you wanted this information in mod_cluster-manager, it would need to
> be sent via STATUS ... however, in general, I don't think we should be
> pushing any information to httpd that it would not "use" - after all, it
> is not the appropriate place to manage a jgroups cluster.
> Ideally JON should be the ultimate go-to source for this kind of
> information - just as it is for all clusters in the AS.
Yes - agreed, but it'll take time to get this into JON, so meanwhile it
would be nice to have something in mod_cluster_manager
Though you said the information already exists, but is buried, i.e. you
need to lookup the specific HAPartition in use. Perhaps we can make it
more accessible?