publish api to specific gateway
by Jon Huang
I had set up 2 gateways.
When I new an API, I have to choose which gateway to publish. (select list
at Gateway section in the implementation tab).
However after creating a client app and contract for test, I found request
via another gateway still works.
(I guest when publishing to gateway 1 and request via gateway 2 shall fail)
Am I misunderstanding or I miss some settings to make it work?
6 years
export/import data config in apiman
by Balu S
Hi Eric, Marc,
I have used this export/import option in Apiman to migrate data from 1.3 to
1.5.1 version.The tools works fine and I can see the apis, policies and
client apps, users are created in migrated environment.
However if I notice, there are some config information stored in
Elasticsearch under the index apiman_gateway. There are like 21 records for
this index in Kibana. These data seems to resemble the client and api
What are these data ? Is the exported "api manager"data different from
"apiman gateway" data ? If so why are these not migrated using
export/import utility ?
Thanks for reading my post.
Best regards
6 years, 1 month