Yes, one or other of those would be sensible.
I had a quick look and neither is trivial, so will have to remain on the
TODO list for now.
On 14/10/2015 12:27, Jakub Čecháček wrote:
this is great -- very useful. Thanks for sharing!
What I would change is maybe swapping your postgress image for one
based on the official postgress dockerfile. Alternatively I would
suggest using centos in order to keep al the parts based on the same
system (jboss images are using centos).
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Tim Dudgeon <
<>> wrote:
Hi all,
I've been working on a fully Dockerised implementation for apiman,
all key parts running as separate Docker containers, with the view to
generating a setup that is suitable for production use.
Its very much work in progress at present and a long way off being
suitable for production use, but if anyone is interested in taking a
look and providing feedback then that would be great. You can find
it on
github here:
Thanks to all on this list and the keycloak list in helping me get
this far.
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