We have support to make the user change the temporary password on login.
There is no built-in support to allow a user to use the temporary password
for some configurable time. You could easily add a custom required action
that would to that though.
On 23 December 2016 at 07:42, Shaikh Asrafali Anwarali <
asrafalianwarali.shaikh(a)gi-de.com> wrote:
Currently we are exploring keycloak for our IAMS requirement "First use of
initial or temporary passwords MUST be within configurable timeframe of
We explore through keycloak but did not find such functionality , could
you let us know is such functionality does exist or it can be configured.
To elaborate more on requirement.
When user is created we assign Temporary password for activating account ,
user uses temporary password to login into keyclaok and at first attempt
update for password is asked wherein user needs to changes his/her
This use of temporary password, we want to put constraint like it should
be used, say in a day or else account cannot be activated.
Asraf Shaikh
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