OIDC dynamic profile needs to support ability to rotate public keys of
external clients.
In order to this, I've added PublicKeyStorageProvider, which is used to
store external public keys of the OIDC clients (those clients, which
require authentication by signed JWT) and OIDC identity providers (those
which require signature verification). There is just one implementation
of the SPI based on local infinispan cache to cache computed public keys.
The advantages are:
- Improved performance : Previously during client authentication with
signed JWT (or during verification of token signed by OIDC
identityProvider), the public keys were always computed from PEM. This
didn't have very great performance. Now we have local infinispan cache,
so the public keys are cached locally. The cache is set with eviction
and expiration, so the locally cached keys are expired from cache in
case of inactive / deleted clients.
- Ability to dynamically download the keys if token signed by unknown
"kid" (Key ID) is found : Previously we supported that public key (or
certificate) PEM of particular client was always hardcoded in Keycloak
database. This is still supported, so everything is backwards
compatible. However we additionally support that client or identity
provider can have "jwks_url" defined. In that case, public keys are
always downloaded dynamically from the given jwks_url when token signed
by unknown "kid" is found. In other words, always when external client
(or idp) rotate it's keys, Keycloak will dynamically download them and
update the storage.
There is configurable limit (10 seconds by default), so that client
won't try to download keys from "jwks_url" more than once in 10 seconds.
This is to avoid DOS, so when evil sends many requests with unknown
"kid", the keycloak won't try to download keys from "jwks_url" for
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