Re: [Apiman-user] Transfer Quota Policy
by Ashish Patel
Hi Marc,
Sorry for sending direct mail, can you please help release below mail sent to group to all the audience ?
Thanks & Regards,
Ashish Patel
From: Ashish Patel
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 16:47
To: apiman-user(a)
Subject: Transfer Quota Policy
I need small help understanding Transfer Quota policy.
Have applied transfer quota policy with below config - attached with one API , set up one client and tested with Rest Client.
“6000 Bytes” of “upload” data per “API” per “Second”.
1. Sent single request which has request payload (upload) > 6000 bytes - Instead of blocking it, it allowed the request and sent the response - However, Apiman is aware of the overshot transfer - can be seen from the Headers.
x-transferquota-limit →6000
x-transferquota-remaining →-4019
x-transferquota-reset →0
2. Sent back to back multiple request (same payload as above) and at times it failed with failure code : 10013, "Transfer quota exceeded.". This means it is applying the policy but after some requests , not sure how many.
x-policy-failure-code →10013
x-policy-failure-message →Transfer quota exceeded.
x-policy-failure-type →Other
x-powered-by →Undertow/1
x-transferquota-limit →6000
x-transferquota-remaining →-4019
x-transferquota-reset →0
Any idea, why it’s not failing in #1 scenario - Ideally it must fail in all requests as payload size is greater than defined.
Thanks & Regards,
Ashish Patel
6 years, 10 months