Re: [Apiman-user] TLS / SSL
by Marc Savy
Hi Fadi,
I think you might be getting confused. Are you sure that you want Mutual TLS (i.e. - in this case the gateway needs to provide a certificate store (and usually a truststore), and the service(s) need to provide a certificate store (and also usually their own truststore).
Are you just trying to enable standard TLS?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fadi Abdin" <fadiabdeen(a)>
To: "Marc Savy" <marc.savy(a)>
Sent: Monday, 29 June, 2015 7:57:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Apiman-user] TLS / SSL
Hi Marc,
I dont see an error when i enable the debugging.
are you sure about the insturcitons in on
what should i use for the values in the ? :
should it work as with the instructions or i'm missing something ?
On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Marc Savy <marc.savy(a)> wrote:
> Hi Fadi,
> When you fire up the gateway, can you please pass:
> as a flag (see:
> )
> You might be able to see what the problem is using the output from the
> above. The most common issue is that the certificate-store and/or
> trust-store isn't set up properly.
> Regards,
> Marc
> On 29/06/2015 17:55, Fadi Abdin wrote:
>> I'm following the instructions on
>> (
>> )
>> to setup a secured version of the api and after i'm done i get below
>> exeption when i hit a service on the gateway endpoint
>> https://localhost:8443/apiman-gateway/testorg/testservice/1.0
>> io.apiman.gateway.engine.beans.exceptions.ConnectorException: Not
>> connected
>> Any idea what could be the issue ?
>> _______________________________________________
>> Apiman-user mailing list
>> Apiman-user(a)
9 years, 6 months
by Ijlal EL HAZITI
Hi all,
I'm quiet new to apiman, using it just from 3 days. I find it suuper easy
and complete.
I've seen that billing is a possible use case, however I can't find any
tutorial about how to implement it.
Should I add a plugin? or should I code it?
Thank you for your help :)
*Etudiant Ingénieur Etudes et Développement*
*UBO - Master Professionnel de développement à l'offshore des SI*
*FSK - Master Spécialisé Qualité du Logiciel*
9 years, 6 months
time for user and dev apiman mail lists?
by Brandon Gaisford
In my opinion, apiman has grown enough to warrant both a user and a dev mailing list. The current user mailbox is awesome, but lately a LOT of dev info is getting in there. How about splitting the existing mailbox and have a dedicated user and a dedicated dev mailing lists? Of course, no barrier to entry, sign up for what you want.
apiman-user (current)
apiman-dev (new)
9 years, 7 months
Hawtio Based API Manager UI Developer Setup Issues
by Brandon Gaisford
I’m following the Hawtio README, the setup seems fine and all is running.
Node starts:
$ gulp
[11:31:55] Server started http://localhost:2772
[11:31:55] LiveReload started on port 35729
When I make updates in the Hawtio src tree, the server reloads, all looks good.
The gateway and apiman services are running:
GET: http://localhost:8080/apiman/system/status (had to login)
Decided to start up firebug in Firefox and see if I could seed anything. Looks like an error early in UI startup:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:8080/apiman/system/status. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).
What is the correct way to get around this CORS stuff during Node/Hawtio development?
9 years, 7 months
404 error when trying to add a plugin
by Alexandre Kieling
I'm getting a 404 error when trying to add a plugin.
Could please someone try the same thing and confirm there is an issue?
Alexandre Kieling
9 years, 7 months
Apiman UI broken
by Brandon Gaisford
Just a heads up, the fix in APIMAN-455 has introduced a new issue. When updating the <base> tag in the manager UI index.html to address the favicon not displaying, a later antrun script defined in a child pom was broken. At build time, the <base> tag is modified by an Ant replaceregexp task that is now failing.
I’ll write up a new issue right now and submit a pull request.
9 years, 7 months
by Fadi Abdin
Is there a way to backup API Man data and load it back on another server ?
9 years, 7 months
New Contributor
by Brandon Gaisford
I’ve forked/cloned and successfully built the project using JDK 1.7 (fails with JDK 1.8 on OS X btw). After looking through the project JIRA, nothing immediately sticks out as a good issue for a newbie to work on. I’m hoping someone on the development team can steer me in the right direction. Continuing on to read what documentation I can find.
9 years, 7 months