Thanks for the info Marc!
On 3 July 2016 at 17:54, Marc Savy <marc.savy(a)> wrote:
Hi Tomas,
Disregarding recent Red Hat announcement on 3scale acquisition and knowing
> that Red Hat will now be working on merging the 3scale and apiman
> technologies, we are still thinking of APIMAN as the main candidate for API
> management (Policy Enforcement) solution.
As Eric mentioned in the blog, we (apiman team) are determined to do the
very best we can for the apiman community - after all it's sizeable now
Do you know any LIVE deployments of APIMAN with scale larger than 200 TPS
> per node?
I believe so, but I can't reference any of them publicly (although,
community - feel free to weigh in with your numbers!).
Any idea how many APIMAN LIVE deployments are there?
This is something that's notoriously difficult to do, especially as a free
and open source project. We don't have any phone-home functionality, and
there's not any easy way to correlate number of downloads with number of
That being said, a good number of folk have reached out to us saying they
are using it and/or prototyping.
Could you point me to some performance benchmarks of APIMAN, are there any?
That's hopefully something I'll be working on, it's also quite a ticky
area to get right (particularly as lots of people do it wrong[1]!).
Community feedback thus far is that they've found performance good and
that the main impact is (as you would expect) is how slow your policies are
- e.g. if your custom policy reaches out to a DB on every request, then
it'll be slow.
Naturally this is an area that's important to us, and we'll be working on
improving it - often by harnessing the strengths of other projects such as
On 30 June 2016 at 06:58, Tomas Žuklys <tomas.zuklys(a)> wrote:
> Hi APIMAN Gurus,
> Disregarding recent Red Hat announcement on 3scale acquisition and
> knowing that Red Hat will now be working on merging the 3scale and apiman
> technologies, we are still thinking of APIMAN as the main candidate for API
> management (Policy Enforcement) solution.
> Do you know any LIVE deployments of APIMAN with scale larger than 200 TPS
> per node?
> Any idea how many APIMAN LIVE deployments are there?
> Could you point me to some performance benchmarks of APIMAN, are there
> any?
> Is APIMAN stable enough for going to PRODUCTION?
> Thanks in advance!
> Best regards,
> Tomas Zuklys
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