Thanks a ton! Worked like a charm :)
On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 8:01 AM, Eric Wittmann <eric.wittmann(a)>
Drop the /_source from the PUT command. :)
On 1/5/2016 1:45 AM, Sanjay Melinamani wrote:
> Thanks Eric for your reply! makes sense...
> I tried to use the two CURL commands.
> GET worked and I was able to see the end point being used.
> curl -XGET
> {"endpoint":"http://OLD_URL
> But the PUT failed as below..
> curl -XPUT
http://localhost:19200/apiman_gateway/service/prism:osa:1.0/_source -d
> '{"endpoint":"http://NEW_URL
> No handler found for uri [/apiman_gateway/service/prism:osa:1.0/_source]
> and method [PUT]
> Thanks again for your time
> Sanjay
> On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Eric Wittmann <eric.wittmann(a)
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Sanjay, thanks for the questions.
> Currently there is no easy way to update the backend implementation
> endpiont URL without creating a new version of the service.
> However, if this is a one-off sort of thing then you may be able to
> get it done. It depends mostly on what configuration you are
> using. But I'll explain based on the most recent 1.1.x release
> (1.1.9.Final) with its default configuration.
> The Manager and Gateway are decoupled, resulting in the duplication
> of *some* of the data (including the endpoint URL). So when you
> "publish" a service from the Manager, the Gateway is given
> information about the service. This information is stored in the
> Gateway's "registry". By default the registry implementation is
> elasticsearch. So if you wanted to change the endpoint URL for a
> service, you would need to update that information in your Database
> (you did this) *and* in elasticsearch.
> It's actually not that difficult to update the information in
> elasticsearch. You'll need to find the correct record and then
> update it. If you're using the default installation, then ES is
> running on port 19200. If you want to change the following service:
> Organization: Example
> Service ID: MyService
> Version: 1.0
> Then you might do something like this:
> curl -XGET
> You could then take that JSON result, modify the bits you want to
> change, and then update it like so (as an example - please replace
> the JSON below with the JSON you get back from the GET above):
> curl -XPUT
> -d '
> {
> "endpoint" : "http://UPDATED-ENDPOINT-HERE",
> "endpointType" : "rest",
> "publicService" : true,
> "organizationId" : "Example",
> "serviceId": "MyService",
> "version" : "1.0",
> "endpointProperties": [],
> "policies":[]
> }
> '
> Once this is done you'll have to restart apiman so that the Gateway
> picks up the changes.
> Note: we are making some changes in apiman 1.2.x that will make all
> of this easier under some circumstances. In particular, as of
> apiman 1.2.0.Final you will be able to re-publish "Public" services
> (now called APIs). So if the API is public then you can simply make
> changes and then republish those changes to the Gateway. If the API
> is *not* public then the current semantics are the same: you cannot
> make changes and republish because that may violate contracts that
> consumers have made with your API.
> -Eric
> On 12/29/2015 12:19 PM, Sanjay Melinamani wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using APIMAN 1.1.9 and for an existing API that I have
> published to
> consumers, I like to change its backend implementation end point
> without changing the API service version.
> I updated the backend implementation URL in database table
> "service_versions". I can see the updated URL from UI but still
> the
> gateway is using the old implementation URL specified.
> Does it cache the implementation URL once the service is
> published ? Is
> there anyway I can update the implementation URL for an
> existing service?
> Appreciate your time and help.
> Thanks
> Sanjay
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