I think your best bet may be to set up a periodic transfer of metrics
data from the cloud to on-premise so that all your metrics are in a
single ES instance. I believe ES has some tools to help with this, but
I don't have enough expertise in ES to be sure.
As for apiman, at the moment it can only interrogate a single metrics
store for data.
On 6/16/2016 11:51 AM, Ashish Patel wrote:
Cool Thanks Eric.
I have proposed separate ES for cloud gateway to avoid frequent
cloud<->OnPrem n/w calls. Will API Manager be able to show cloud
gateway metrics? If Yes, wanted to know how that works.. and if no,
what are other options to view cloud gateway metrics?
Thanks again,
Sent from my phone
On Eric Wittmann <eric.wittmann(a)redhat.com>, 16-Jun-2016 2:58 pm wrote:
I think this diagram looks pretty good now! :) I don't think there's
any issue with having a single Keycloak to support both on-prem and
cloud. That would make user and realm management much easier,
On 6/16/2016 3:54 AM, Ashish Patel wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> Oh, yes copy paste. Modified it. Kindly suggest.
> One specific query on KeyCloak : can we have only one - KeyCloak
(OnPrem) ? or is it mandatory to keep OnPrem and Cloud ?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ashish Patel
> "Scientists investigate that which already is;Engineers create
that which has never been." - Albert Einstein.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Wittmann [mailto:eric.wittmann@redhat.com]
> Sent: 15 June 2016 23:51
> To: Ashish Patel; apiman-user(a)lists.jboss.org
> Subject: Re: [Apiman-user] apiman Production Deployment
> Hi Ashish.
> I'm a little bit confused by some of the box labeling I think.
Some of
> the boxes in the top half of the diagram are labelled "Cloud" when I
> expected them to be labelled On-Premise. Is that intentional or
> copy/paste errors?
> -Eric
> On 6/14/2016 7:35 AM, Ashish Patel wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> In addition to below doubt over "Two Logical API Gateway", have
got proposed deployment diagram - can you please review and suggest ?
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Ashish Patel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ashish Patel
>> Sent: 14 June 2016 11:02
>> To: 'Eric Wittmann'; apiman-user(a)lists.jboss.org
>> Subject: RE: [Apiman-user] apiman Production Deployment
>> Thanks Eric, this helps a lot.
>> We would go with Two "logical" API Gateways, as it gives more
flexibility. One Doubt: 1. UI will be only one right - be @On
Premise / On Cloud.
>> With single "logical" API Gateway, more concerned over
Cloud<->OnPremise Network glitches, may become bottleneck for lot of
DB/ES calls (at least for one gateway).
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Ashish Patel
>> (M) +91 93270 15128
>> "Scientists investigate that which already is;Engineers create
that which has never been." - Albert Einstein.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Eric Wittmann [mailto:eric.wittmann@redhat.com]
>> Sent: 13 June 2016 21:32
>> To: Ashish Patel; apiman-user(a)lists.jboss.org
>> Subject: Re: [Apiman-user] apiman Production Deployment
>> Hi Ashish.
>> Sorry for the delay in my response. I'll do my best to answer your
>> questions.
>>> 1. We want to have single API Manager for our consumers in
>>> and "cloud" (AWS/Azure..etc). So, can we deploy couple of
instance of "
>>> Apiman Gateway" in on-premise and couple of on cloud ? If yes,
>>> would be possible deployment architecture ? (best place to put RDBMS
>>> on-prem/cloud, best place to put keyclock server/ ES server..etc ?)
>> There are a very large number of choices here! It depends a lot on
>> exactly what you're trying to achieve. Two different configurations
>> jump to mind.
>> Config 1 - A single "logical" API Gateway
>> In this configuration, every API Gateway node (regardless of
whether it
>> is on-prem or in the cloud) shares a common data store. This allows
>> every node to service the *same* set of APIs. In this case the
>> gateway storage (database or elasticsearch) will need to be
>> by all gateway nodes.
>> In the UI, there is only *one* gateway, so there are no extra
steps that
>> API developers need take when publishing APIs. However, every
>> node must be able to access every back-end endpoint at the same URL.
>> Config 2 - Two "logical" API Gateways
>> In this config, the on-prem gateway node(s) and the in-cloud gateway
>> node(s) each have their own gateway storage (database and/or
>> elasticsearch). When set up this way, the API Manager must be
>> configured with *both* gateways, and each gateway should have a
>> name, such as "On Premise Gateway" and "Cloud Gateway".
>> In the UI, the API Developers will need to choose which of the
two API
>> Gateways their API should be published to (they must choose *at least
>> one* gateway). This allows different gateways to service different
>> APIs, offering more flexibility.
>>> 2. production guide having wildfly version, however we would prefer
>>> tomcat / vert.x, any specific guide changes for tomcat / vert.x ?
>> We only have documentation for Wildfly at the moment, but if you
wish to
>> use Tomcat it should be relatively simple to extrapolate the
>> documentation to that platform. The vert.x implementation is
>> experimental at this point, and should not be used in production.
>>> 3. Can we have companies using apiman on production ? any
>>> stats and case study material ?
>> I'm sorry to say that we don't currently have reference users or
>> production benchmarks yet. These materials will surely be coming
in the
>> future as the project matures.
>> Thanks!
>> -Eric
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