[JBoss JIRA] (ARQ-567) Supporting Test Suites (@ArquillianSuite)
by Mark N/A (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ARQ-567?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.sy... ]
Mark N/A commented on ARQ-567:
I am current using the Arquillian plugin mentioned earlier as well (https://github.com/ingwarsw/arquillian-suite-extension) and while it works, there is quite a few hoops to jump through (https://github.com/ingwarsw/arquillian-suite-extension/issues/51). Unfortunately, I am concerned that eventually that a newer Wildfly release will mean that I cannot use this Arquillian suite extension anymore.
Does anyone know the current status of this work mentioned in this conversation?
> Supporting Test Suites (@ArquillianSuite)
> -----------------------------------------
> Key: ARQ-567
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ARQ-567
> Project: Arquillian
> Issue Type: Feature Request
> Reporter: Mousavi Jahan Abadi S. M.
> Assignee: Aslak Knutsen
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 1.2.0.Alpha1
> Currently, it is supported that JUnit test cases being run by Arquillian. This feature request is request for supporting test suites too to be run by Arquillian too. Idea is like:
> @RunWith(ArquillianSuite.class)
> @Suite.SuiteClasses( { TestCase1.class, TestCase2.class, .... } )
> public class AllTests{
> @Deployment
> public static JavaArchive createTestArchive(){
> return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class,"test.jar");
> }
> }
> The advantages of above approach for users of Arquillian framework are:
> - Test cases don't needed to be modified to have: "@RunWith(Arquillian.class)" annotation. In other words, test cases will be pure JUnit code, and no Arquillian code (results in less coding for end users).
> - It is not necessary to include the static "@Deployment" methods in all test cases any more, and only Test Suite need to define the archieving/deployment related setting/definitions.
> The advantage of above approach for framework itself is:
> - From performance point-of-view, it becomes possible for Arquillian to deploy all test cases in the Test Suite into J2EE container in one action (one deploy/undeploy for one test suite, instead of mulitple deploy/undeploy for each test case).
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