Build failed in Jenkins: SwitchYard-Tools-2.2.x-Update-Site #23
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[github] FUSETOOLS-2018 - migrating the changes from 2.1.x to Master (#607)
[...truncated 35058 lines...]
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-transform-xslt:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/9 KB
8/9 KB
9/9 KB
Downloaded: (9 KB at 6.0 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-mail-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/9 KB
8/9 KB
9/9 KB
Downloaded: (9 KB at 6.0 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-jpa-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/16 KB
8/16 KB
12/16 KB
16/16 KB
Downloaded: (16 KB at 10.0 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts.demos:switchyard-demo-policy-security-cert:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/14 KB
8/14 KB
12/14 KB
14/14 KB
Downloaded: (14 KB at 9.7 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts.demos:switchyard-demo-policy-security-basic:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/14 KB
8/14 KB
11/14 KB
14/14 KB
Downloaded: (14 KB at 9.3 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts.demos:switchyard-demo-policy-security-saml:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/14 KB
8/14 KB
9/14 KB
12/14 KB
14/14 KB
Downloaded: (14 KB at 6.9 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-amqp-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/9 KB
8/9 KB
9/9 KB
Downloaded: (9 KB at 5.0 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-quartz-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/9 KB
8/9 KB
9/9 KB
Downloaded: (9 KB at 6.0 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-sql-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-atom-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/10 KB
8/10 KB
10/10 KB
Downloaded: (10 KB at 6.9 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-rss-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/10 KB
8/10 KB
9/10 KB
10/10 KB
Downloaded: (10 KB at 7.2 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-sap-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/62 KB
8/62 KB
9/62 KB
12/62 KB
16/62 KB
20/62 KB
24/62 KB
28/62 KB
30/62 KB
34/62 KB
36/62 KB
40/62 KB
44/62 KB
48/62 KB
52/62 KB
56/62 KB
60/62 KB
62/62 KB
Downloaded: (62 KB at 38.6 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-mqtt-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/9 KB
8/9 KB
9/9 KB
Downloaded: (9 KB at 5.3 KB/sec)
[INFO] Configured Artifact: org.switchyard.quickstarts:switchyard-camel-cxf-binding:2.1.0.Final:jar
4/15 KB
8/15 KB
11/15 KB
15/15 KB
Downloaded: (15 KB at 9.6 KB/sec)
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] Unpacking <> to <> with includes "META-INF/switchyard.xml,WEB-INF/switchyard.xml" and excludes ""
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:testResources (default-testResources) @ ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.23.1:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ ---
[WARNING] bundle localization file <> not found
[WARNING] Bundle-Vendor header not found in <,> fallback to 'unknown' for source bundle
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.23.1:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.23.1:package-plugin (default-package-plugin) @ ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.23.1:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @ ---
[INFO] --- tycho-surefire-plugin:0.23.1:test (default-test) @ ---
[INFO] Expected eclipse log file: <>
[INFO] Command line:
[/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-, -Dosgi.noShutdown=false, -Dosgi.os=linux,, -Dosgi.arch=x86_64, -XX:MaxPermSize=256m, -Dusage_reporting_enabled=false, -DLOCAL_TEST_REPO=<,> -Dosgi.clean=true, -jar, <,> -data, <,> -install, <,> -configuration, <,> -application, org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest, -testproperties, <,> -product, org.eclipse.platform.ide, -pluginCustomization, <,> -consoleLog]
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=256m; support was removed in 8.0
[ERROR] Timeout 1200 s exceeded. Process was killed.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] SwitchYard: Tools Parent ........................... SUCCESS [ 49.766 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Parent ................... SUCCESS [ 1.255 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugins .................. SUCCESS [ 0.171 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF Model Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 9.705 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF.EDIT Model Plugin ......... SUCCESS [ 0.314 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF Model Plugin ............... SUCCESS [ 0.937 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF.EDIT Model Plugin .......... SUCCESS [ 0.639 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard EMF Model Plugin ............ SUCCESS [ 3.134 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 0.185 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: CXF Libraries Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 49.882 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse XSD Catalog .................... SUCCESS [ 13.527 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions ................. SUCCESS [ 1.977 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Core Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 15.571 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin ................ SUCCESS [ 46.030 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Debug Support ............ SUCCESS [ 3.922 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard Configuration Editor Plugin . SUCCESS [ 7.074 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse BPMN2 Editor Extensions ........ SUCCESS [ 4.130 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPEL Extensions ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.951 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Test Plugins ............. SUCCESS [ 0.159 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions Plugin Tests .... SUCCESS [03:56 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin Tests .......... FAILURE [20:56 min]
[INFO] Switchyard: Eclipse Tools Features ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Feature .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPEL Feature ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPMN2 Feature ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Update Site .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 38:35 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T20:01:38-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 212M/858M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.23.1:test (default-test) on project An unexpected error occured while launching the test runtime (return code 143). See log for details. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :84
Killing Xvnc process ID 16173
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: SwitchYard-Tools-pullrequest #62
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[github] SWITCHYARD-2921 - Updates to build on Eclipse NEON (#570)
[github] SWITCHYARD-2921 - updates for site index.html (#571)
[github] SWITCHYARD-2921 - Fixes for version #s in poms (#572)
[github] SWITCHYARD-2921 - updating site pom to replace mars with neon (#573)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-1984 - Report only illegal transitive dependencies (#574)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-2004 - new attribute for SOAP message composer (#575)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-2005 - adding new attributes to JAXB transformer model (#577)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-2021 - Avoid ClassCastException (#578)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] SWITCHYARD-2936 - support for updated integration pack/kie versions
[github] JBTIS-815 - updating TP to latest Neon version 4.4.0.Alpha1 (#582)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-1927 - fixing errant validation with SCA binding (#583)
[Brian Fitzpatrick] SWITCHYARD-2836 - fix for different path to promoting reference (#584)
[github] FUSETOOLS-2046 - updates for BPMN2 modeler (#586)
[github] SWITCHYARD-2940 - updating default runtime version to 2.1.0.Final (#588)
[github] SWITCHYARD-2943 - updating plugin.xml to add support for Fuse 6.3 (#590)
[github] SWITCHYARD-2947 - updates to generate different camel routes based on
[github] SWITCHYARD-2942 - reacting to runtime version for JAXB transformer
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-2074 - this is the Neon side to the bpmn2-modeler update
[github] SWITCHYARD-2952 - fixes relayHeaders issue for CXF reference bindings
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-2018 - migrating the changes from 2.1.x to Master
[...truncated 47906 lines...]
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@6102fa90])), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@6102fa90])), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.073
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@6102fa90])), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@6102fa90])), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.073
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@66979e25])), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@66979e25])), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.073
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@66979e25])), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@66979e25])), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.073
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
,,true),null)), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
,,true),null)), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.074
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
,,true),null)), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
,,true),null)), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.074
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode,Toggle Full Screen,
Toggles the window between full screen and normal,
,,true),null)), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode,Toggle Full Screen,
Toggles the window between full screen and normal,
,,true),null)), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.074
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode,Toggle Full Screen,
Toggles the window between full screen and normal,
,,true),null)), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.fullscreenmode,Toggle Full Screen,
Toggles the window between full screen and normal,
,,true),null)), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.074
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Main Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
,,true),null)), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Main Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
,,true),null)), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.074
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Main Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
,,true),null)), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Main Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
,,true),null)), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.075
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.075
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.appearance, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Appe&arance, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.075
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.075
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.075
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.075
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=9, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=9, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.077
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.077
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.078
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.078
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.078
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.078
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.079
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null}, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.079
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true),{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.080
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/widget/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=widget, EventType=SET, OldValue=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}, Widget=null}, AttName=widget, EventType=SET, OldValue=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.080
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/renderer/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null,{ (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), AttName=renderer, EventType=SET, OldValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e, Widget=null}, AttName=renderer, EventType=SET, OldValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@2d5ae78e}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.093
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/Context/context/SET] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null,{ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), AttName=context, EventType=SET, OldValue=TrimmedWindowImpl (IDEWindow) Context, Widget=null}, AttName=context, EventType=SET, OldValue=TrimmedWindowImpl (IDEWindow) Context}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.103
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768),{ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), AttName=persistedState, EventType=ADD, Position=2, Widget=null, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@7f43a389 (key: show_in_time, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<show_in_time/>)}, AttName=persistedState, EventType=ADD, Position=2, Widget=null, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@7f43a389 (key: show_in_time, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.103
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768),{ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), AttName=persistedState, EventType=ADD, Position=3, Widget=null, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@4dea222b (key: workingSets, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workingSets/>)}, AttName=persistedState, EventType=ADD, Position=3, Widget=null, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@4dea222b (key: workingSets, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.103
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768),{ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@2a8a4e0c (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), AttName=persistedState, EventType=ADD, Position=4, Widget=null, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@4f8cd790 (key: aggregateWorkingSetId, value: null)}, AttName=persistedState, EventType=ADD, Position=4, Widget=null, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@4f8cd790 (key: aggregateWorkingSetId, value: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 15:58:13.128
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/LifeCycle/appShutdownStarted] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.ApplicationImpl@44065156 (elementId: org.eclipse.e4.legacy.ide.application, tags: [activeSchemeId:org.eclipse.ui.defaultAcceleratorConfiguration, ModelMigrationProcessor.001], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (context: WorkbenchContext, variables: null),{ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.ApplicationImpl@44065156 (elementId: org.eclipse.e4.legacy.ide.application, tags: [activeSchemeId:org.eclipse.ui.defaultAcceleratorConfiguration, ModelMigrationProcessor.001], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (context: WorkbenchContext, variables: null)}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.m2e.core 4 -1 2016-09-09 15:58:15.129
!MESSAGE Could not lookup required component
org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException: java.util.NoSuchElementException
role: org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequestPopulator
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.lookup(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.createExecutionRequest(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.createExecutionRequest(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.getMirrors(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.repository.RepositoryRegistry.updateRegistry(
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.Collections$
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
... 9 more
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 2 10035 2016-09-09 15:58:15.135
!MESSAGE The workspace will exit with unsaved changes in this session.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] SwitchYard: Tools Parent ........................... SUCCESS [ 51.113 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Parent ................... SUCCESS [ 0.710 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugins .................. SUCCESS [ 0.170 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF Model Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 9.521 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF.EDIT Model Plugin ......... SUCCESS [ 0.286 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF Model Plugin ............... SUCCESS [ 0.894 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF.EDIT Model Plugin .......... SUCCESS [ 0.451 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard EMF Model Plugin ............ SUCCESS [ 2.991 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 0.187 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: CXF Libraries Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 53.001 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse XSD Catalog .................... SUCCESS [ 20.673 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions ................. SUCCESS [ 2.807 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Core Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 20.020 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin ................ SUCCESS [ 43.099 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Debug Support ............ SUCCESS [ 3.509 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard Configuration Editor Plugin . SUCCESS [ 7.067 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse BPMN2 Editor Extensions ........ SUCCESS [ 4.030 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPEL Extensions ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.732 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Test Plugins ............. SUCCESS [ 0.259 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions Plugin Tests .... SUCCESS [05:03 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin Tests .......... FAILURE [08:16 min]
[INFO] Switchyard: Eclipse Tools Features ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Feature .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPEL Feature ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPMN2 Feature ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Update Site .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 28:50 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T15:58:15-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 345M/1734M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.23.1:test (default-test) on project There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <> for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :55
Killing Xvnc process ID 2635
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: SwitchYard-Tools-pullrequest #60
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[...truncated 44264 lines...]
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: ReloadDependencies, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/rldgrmr.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: R) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.reload.dependencies,Reload Dependencies,
Reload Dependencies,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.382
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: ExpandAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/expand_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.expandAll,Expand All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.382
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: ExpandAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/expand_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.expandAll,Expand All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.382
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: CollapseAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/collapse_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.collapseAll,Collapse All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.382
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: CollapseAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/collapse_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.collapseAll,Collapse All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.382
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: expand, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: expand, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: additions, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: additions, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: designEnd, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: designEnd, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: designStart, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.383
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: designStart, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.384
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@6102fa90])), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.384
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.384
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@66979e25])), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.384
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.384
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.384
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.385
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.385
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.385
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.385
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.385
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.385
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.386
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.386
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.387
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.387
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=3, (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.387
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.387
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.388
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.388
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=5, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.388
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/widget/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=widget, EventType=SET, OldValue=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.388
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/renderer/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=renderer, EventType=SET, OldValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.391
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/renderer/requestEnablementUpdate] {}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.391
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/Context/context/SET] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=context, EventType=SET, OldValue=TrimmedWindowImpl (IDEWindow) Context}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.395
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=persistedState, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@26714d71 (key: show_in_time, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<show_in_time/>), EventType=ADD, Position=2}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.396
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=persistedState, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@6b01c05c (key: workingSets, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workingSets/>), EventType=ADD, Position=3}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-09 14:11:22.396
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=persistedState, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@74c5d67a (key: aggregateWorkingSetId, value: null), EventType=ADD, Position=4}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.m2e.core 4 -1 2016-09-09 14:11:23.341
!MESSAGE Could not lookup required component
org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException: java.util.NoSuchElementException
role: org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequestPopulator
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.lookup(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.createExecutionRequest(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.createExecutionRequest(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.getMirrors(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.repository.RepositoryRegistry.updateRegistry(
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.Collections$
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
... 9 more
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 2 10035 2016-09-09 14:11:23.517
!MESSAGE The workspace will exit with unsaved changes in this session.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] SwitchYard: Tools Parent ........................... SUCCESS [01:24 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Parent ................... SUCCESS [ 0.694 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugins .................. SUCCESS [ 0.173 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF Model Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 9.170 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF.EDIT Model Plugin ......... SUCCESS [ 0.289 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF Model Plugin ............... SUCCESS [ 0.890 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF.EDIT Model Plugin .......... SUCCESS [ 0.459 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard EMF Model Plugin ............ SUCCESS [ 3.215 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 0.181 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: CXF Libraries Plugin ................... SUCCESS [01:44 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse XSD Catalog .................... SUCCESS [ 52.556 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions ................. SUCCESS [ 1.891 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Core Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 43.000 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin ................ SUCCESS [01:40 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Debug Support ............ SUCCESS [ 3.456 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard Configuration Editor Plugin . SUCCESS [ 7.207 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse BPMN2 Editor Extensions ........ SUCCESS [ 4.102 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPEL Extensions ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.829 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Test Plugins ............. SUCCESS [ 0.155 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions Plugin Tests .... SUCCESS [07:26 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin Tests .......... FAILURE [10:50 min]
[INFO] Switchyard: Eclipse Tools Features ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Feature .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPEL Feature ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPMN2 Feature ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Update Site .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 41:58 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T14:11:23-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 309M/1664M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.23.1:test (default-test) on project There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <> for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :57
Killing Xvnc process ID 2884
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: SwitchYard-Tools-pullrequest #54
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[Brian Fitzpatrick] FUSETOOLS-2018 - updates to work better with Fuse servers
[...truncated 45318 lines...]
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: ReloadDependencies, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/rldgrmr.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: R) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.reload.dependencies,Reload Dependencies,
Reload Dependencies,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.285
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: ExpandAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/expand_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.expandAll,Expand All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.285
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: ExpandAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/expand_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.expandAll,Expand All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: CollapseAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/collapse_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.collapseAll,Collapse All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: CollapseAll, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui/icons/full/etool16/collapse_all.gif, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(sed.tabletree.collapseAll,Collapse All,
Category(org.eclipse.core.commands.categories.autogenerated,Uncategorized,Commands that were either auto-generated or have no category,true),
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: expand, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: expand, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: additions, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: additions, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.286
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: designEnd, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.287
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: designEnd, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.287
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: designStart, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.287
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: designStart, tags: [org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker.GroupMarker(String)], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.287
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@6102fa90])), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.287
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: H) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.287
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
[Parameter(Splitter.isHorizontal,Orientation,null,false)],,true),[org.eclipse.core.commands.Parameterization@66979e25])), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.288
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: V) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.splitEditor,Toggle Split Editor,
Split or join the currently active editor.,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.288
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.288
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=0, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Clone, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: e) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.window.newEditor,New Editor,
Open another editor on the active editor's input,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.288
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.288
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.editors, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Editor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.288
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
,,true),null)), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.289
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId: window, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Window, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=1, (elementId: org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction, tags: null, contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: Toggle coolbar visibility, enabled: true, selected: false, type: Push) (mnemonics: null) (wbCommand: ParameterizedCommand(Command(org.eclipse.ui.ToggleCoolbarAction,Toggle Toolbar Visibility,
Toggles the visibility of the window toolbar,
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.289
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.289
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Run, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.289
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.289
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Run, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=7, (elementId:, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: false, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Diagram, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.290
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.290
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, Refac&tor, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=3, (elementId: refactorMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: Refac&tor, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.291
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.291
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Source, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=2, (elementId: sourceMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Source, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.291
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/parent/SET] { (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=parent, EventType=SET, (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.291
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/ElementContainer/children/REMOVE] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Design, &Window, &Help}, AttName=children, EventType=REMOVE, Position=5, (elementId: org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui.designMenuId, tags: [menuContribution:menu], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: &Design, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true)}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.292
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/widget/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=widget, EventType=SET, OldValue=Menu {&File, &Edit, &Navigate, &Project, &Window, &Help}}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.292
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/UIElement/renderer/SET] { (elementId:, tags: [], contributorURI: null) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: null, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, mnemonics: null) (enabled: true), Widget=null, AttName=renderer, EventType=SET, OldValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer@4cc26df}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.294
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/renderer/requestEnablementUpdate] {}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.294
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/ui/Context/context/SET] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=context, EventType=SET, OldValue=TrimmedWindowImpl (IDEWindow) Context}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.299
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=persistedState, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@151113ff (key: show_in_time, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<show_in_time/>), EventType=ADD, Position=2}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.299
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=persistedState, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@465f419d (key: workingSets, value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workingSets/>), EventType=ADD, Position=3}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench 4 0 2016-09-08 19:44:28.299
!MESSAGE Event Admin service is not available, unable to publish event org.osgi.service.event.Event [topic=org/eclipse/e4/ui/model/application/ApplicationElement/persistedState/ADD] {ChangedElement=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.TrimmedWindowImpl@a5272be (elementId: IDEWindow, tags: [topLevel], contributorURI: platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.platform) (widget: null, renderer: null, toBeRendered: true, onTop: false, visible: true, containerData: null, accessibilityPhrase: null) (label: %trimmedwindow.label.eclipseSDK, iconURI: null, tooltip: null, context: null, variables: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 1024, height: 768), Widget=null, AttName=persistedState, NewValue=org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.StringToStringMapImpl@2caa2dc4 (key: aggregateWorkingSetId, value: null), EventType=ADD, Position=4}.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.m2e.core 4 -1 2016-09-08 19:44:29.276
!MESSAGE Could not lookup required component
org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException: java.util.NoSuchElementException
role: org.apache.maven.execution.MavenExecutionRequestPopulator
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.lookup(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.createExecutionRequest(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.createExecutionRequest(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.getMirrors(
at org.eclipse.m2e.core.internal.repository.RepositoryRegistry.updateRegistry(
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.Collections$
at org.codehaus.plexus.DefaultPlexusContainer.lookup(
... 9 more
!ENTRY org.eclipse.core.resources 2 10035 2016-09-08 19:44:29.443
!MESSAGE The workspace will exit with unsaved changes in this session.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] SwitchYard: Tools Parent ........................... SUCCESS [ 49.936 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Parent ................... SUCCESS [ 0.711 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugins .................. SUCCESS [ 0.175 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF Model Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 9.635 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA Core EMF.EDIT Model Plugin ......... SUCCESS [ 0.334 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF Model Plugin ............... SUCCESS [ 0.975 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SCA 1.1 EMF.EDIT Model Plugin .......... SUCCESS [ 0.457 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard EMF Model Plugin ............ SUCCESS [ 3.202 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Plugin ................... SUCCESS [ 0.179 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: CXF Libraries Plugin ................... SUCCESS [01:11 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse XSD Catalog .................... SUCCESS [ 58.199 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions ................. SUCCESS [ 2.772 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Core Plugin .............. SUCCESS [ 31.864 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin ................ SUCCESS [01:18 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Debug Support ............ SUCCESS [ 3.383 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: SwitchYard Configuration Editor Plugin . SUCCESS [ 6.956 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse BPMN2 Editor Extensions ........ SUCCESS [ 4.148 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: BPEL Extensions ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.708 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Test Plugins ............. SUCCESS [ 0.157 s]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse M2E Extensions Plugin Tests .... SUCCESS [05:20 min]
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools UI Plugin Tests .......... FAILURE [08:19 min]
[INFO] Switchyard: Eclipse Tools Features ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Feature .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPEL Feature ........ SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse SwitchYard BPMN2 Feature ....... SKIPPED
[INFO] SwitchYard: Eclipse Tools Update Site .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 30:06 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-08T19:44:29-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 298M/1540M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.23.1:test (default-test) on project There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <> for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :45
Killing Xvnc process ID 2785
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: Fuse-Tooling-8.x-Update-Site #90
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[Aurelien Pupier] FUSETOOLS-2018 - removing build path elements for Fuse 6.3 servers and
[...truncated 11495 lines...]
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (compiletests) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (test) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.26.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[WARNING] bundle localization file <> not found
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.26.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.26.0:package-plugin (default-package-plugin) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.26.0:source-feature (source-feature) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.25.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Expected eclipse log file: <> sp(a)xn--c/-bja.metadata/.log
[INFO] Command line:
[/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-, -Dosgi.noShutdown=false, -Dosgi.os=linux,, -Dosgi.arch=x86_64, -javaagent:<,> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -Dusage_reporting_enabled=false,, -Dosgi.clean=true, -jar, <,> -data, <> sp@cé, -install, <,> -configuration, <,> -application, org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest, -testproperties, <]>
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.047 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT) Time elapsed: 0.019 sec
testKaraf[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT) Time elapsed: 0.003 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT
testFuseESB[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT) Time elapsed: 0.002 sec
testFuseESB[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT) Time elapsed: 0 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.02 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.018 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.011 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT
testFuseESB[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.006 sec
testFuseESB[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
testKaraf[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
Results :
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] All tests passed!
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras-plugin:0.26.0:compare-version-with-baselines (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.26.0:build-qualifier-aggregator (default-build-qualifier-aggregator) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] The project's OSGi version is 8.0.0.MASTER-v20160909-1400-B90
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:regex-property (regex-property) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Setting property 'skipTestsOrITests' to ''.
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean-1) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:<>
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (compiletests) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (test) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.26.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.26.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:publish-products (default-publish-products) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:publish-categories (default-publish-categories) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:attach-artifacts (default-attach-artifacts) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.26.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.26.0:archive-repository (default-archive-repository) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.26.0:source-feature (source-feature) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.26.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras-plugin:0.26.0:compare-version-with-baselines (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Build Configuration .......... SUCCESS [ 13.409 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling ................................. SUCCESS [ 20.442 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Build Tools ..... SUCCESS [ 39.708 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Code Generator .. SUCCESS [ 20.050 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation Core SUCCESS [ 9.303 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Preferences SUCCESS [ 0.131 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation UI SUCCESS [ 0.761 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Model Service API SUCCESS [ 10.913 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621084 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 4.068 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621117 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 3.797 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.0.redhat-630175 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 4.351 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.3 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 6.222 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Maven ..... SUCCESS [ 0.221 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.012 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Branding SUCCESS [ 0.552 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Validation SUCCESS [ 0.321 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Cheat Sheets SUCCESS [ 0.046 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Graph ..... SUCCESS [ 0.317 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Help ...... SUCCESS [ 6.756 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Imports ... SUCCESS [ 0.244 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Branding .. SUCCESS [ 0.059 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Tests SUCCESS [ 2.648 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins ............... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Commons SUCCESS [ 0.431 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher SUCCESS [ 0.432 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Camel Editor SUCCESS [ 1.002 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 33.995 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Model Tests SUCCESS [ 6.977 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 0.329 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.663 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.525 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features ............. SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features :: Core Feature SUCCESS [ 0.222 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: XSD Catalogs SUCCESS [ 0.054 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher UI SUCCESS [ 0.328 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project SUCCESS [ 0.459 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project Templates SUCCESS [ 0.508 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Tests SUCCESS [ 3.098 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 29.151 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Launcher Tests SUCCESS [ 1.707 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Launcher UI Tests SUCCESS [ 1.742 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Project Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.260 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Project Templates Tests SUCCESS [ 1.668 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: project Templates Integration Tests FAILURE [40:00 min]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features ..... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features :: Camel Editor Feature SUCCESS [ 0.192 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation .......... SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Core SUCCESS [ 4.052 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Editor SUCCESS [ 0.819 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features :: Data Transformation Feature SUCCESS [ 0.166 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests . SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Tests SUCCESS [ 2.633 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 8.729 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Editor Transformation :: Tests :: Editor Transformation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.749 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Transformation Editor :: Tests :: Transformation Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 9.073 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache ActiveMQ Facade SUCCESS [ 10.645 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Camel Facade SUCCESS [ 0.498 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Diagram View SUCCESS [ 0.324 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters .............. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins ... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter Core SUCCESS [ 0.435 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Facade SUCCESS [ 0.393 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ................. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ::Camel ......... SUCCESS [ 1.614 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Integration Tests :: Camel SUCCESS [ 6.722 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Commons ...... SUCCESS [ 1.651 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Diagram ::View SUCCESS [ 1.742 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features .............. SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Commons SUCCESS [ 0.396 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter UI SUCCESS [ 0.374 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter Core SUCCESS [ 0.324 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter UI SUCCESS [ 0.318 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features .. SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features :: Server Adapters Feature SUCCESS [ 0.511 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features :: JMX Feature SUCCESS [ 0.179 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests ..... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Karaf Core Tests SUCCESS [ 1.753 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Server Tests SUCCESS [ 8.067 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site .................. SUCCESS [ 11.976 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 52:37 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T10:43:49-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 359M/1418M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) on project org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration: An unexpected error occured while launching the test runtime (return code 143). See log for details. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :46
Killing Xvnc process ID 17596
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: Fuse-Tooling-9.x-Update-Site #5
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[...truncated 9795 lines...]
[INFO] Compiling 12 source files to <>
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:testResources (default-testResources) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (compiletests) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (test) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.26.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[WARNING] bundle localization file <> not found
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.26.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.26.0:package-plugin (default-package-plugin) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.26.0:source-feature (source-feature) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.25.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Expected eclipse log file: <> sp(a)xn--c/-bja.metadata/.log
[INFO] Command line:
[/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-, -Dosgi.noShutdown=false, -Dosgi.os=linux,, -Dosgi.arch=x86_64, -javaagent:<,> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -Dusage_reporting_enabled=false,, -Dosgi.clean=true, -jar, <,> -data, <> sp@cé, -install, <,> -configuration, <,> -application, org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest, -testproperties, <]>
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.057 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT) Time elapsed: 0.031 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.011 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT
testFuseESB[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec
testFuseESB[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT) Time elapsed: 0.007 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec
testKaraf[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.022 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT
testFuseESB[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.016 sec
testFuseESB[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
testKaraf[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.022 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.021 sec
Results :
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] All tests passed!
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras-plugin:0.26.0:compare-version-with-baselines (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site 9.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.26.0:build-qualifier-aggregator (default-build-qualifier-aggregator) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] The project's OSGi version is 9.0.0.MASTER-v20160906-1343-B5
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:regex-property (regex-property) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Setting property 'skipTestsOrITests' to ''.
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean-1) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:<>
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (compiletests) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (test) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.26.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.26.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:publish-products (default-publish-products) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:publish-categories (default-publish-categories) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:attach-artifacts (default-attach-artifacts) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.26.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.26.0:archive-repository (default-archive-repository) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.26.0:source-feature (source-feature) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.26.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras-plugin:0.26.0:compare-version-with-baselines (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Build Configuration .......... SUCCESS [ 16.101 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling ................................. SUCCESS [ 24.598 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Build Tools ..... SUCCESS [ 54.986 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Code Generator .. SUCCESS [ 32.579 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.014 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 0.014 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation Core SUCCESS [ 19.352 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Preferences SUCCESS [ 0.143 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation UI SUCCESS [ 0.808 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Model Service API SUCCESS [ 14.022 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621084 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 5.552 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621117 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 4.442 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.0.redhat-630175 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 5.154 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.3 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 8.342 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Maven ..... SUCCESS [ 0.216 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Branding SUCCESS [ 0.504 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Validation SUCCESS [ 0.305 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Cheat Sheets SUCCESS [ 0.043 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Graph ..... SUCCESS [ 0.240 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Help ...... SUCCESS [ 6.654 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Imports ... SUCCESS [ 0.223 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Branding .. SUCCESS [ 0.056 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Tests SUCCESS [ 2.797 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins ............... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Commons SUCCESS [ 0.338 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher SUCCESS [ 0.949 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Camel Editor SUCCESS [ 0.847 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 53.930 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Model Tests SUCCESS [ 7.613 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 0.330 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.622 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.828 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features ............. SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features :: Core Feature SUCCESS [ 0.231 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: XSD Catalogs SUCCESS [ 0.056 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher UI SUCCESS [ 0.383 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project SUCCESS [ 0.349 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project Templates SUCCESS [ 0.465 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Tests SUCCESS [ 3.049 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 30.282 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Launcher Tests SUCCESS [ 1.656 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Launcher UI Tests SUCCESS [ 1.786 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Project Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.613 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Project Templates Tests SUCCESS [ 1.462 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: project Templates Integration Tests FAILURE [40:01 min]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features ..... SUCCESS [ 0.012 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features :: Camel Editor Feature SUCCESS [ 0.188 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation .......... SUCCESS [ 0.030 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins SUCCESS [ 0.013 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Core SUCCESS [ 4.881 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Editor SUCCESS [ 0.756 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features :: Data Transformation Feature SUCCESS [ 0.168 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests . SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Tests SUCCESS [ 2.913 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 9.304 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache ActiveMQ Facade SUCCESS [ 12.304 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Camel Facade SUCCESS [ 0.810 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Diagram View SUCCESS [ 0.419 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters .............. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins ... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter Core SUCCESS [ 0.465 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Facade SUCCESS [ 0.423 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ................. SUCCESS [ 0.010 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ::Camel ......... SUCCESS [ 1.535 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Integration Tests :: Camel SUCCESS [ 7.176 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Commons ...... SUCCESS [ 1.939 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Diagram ::View SUCCESS [ 1.769 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features .............. SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Commons SUCCESS [ 0.294 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter UI SUCCESS [ 0.382 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter Core SUCCESS [ 0.322 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter UI SUCCESS [ 0.422 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features .. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features :: Server Adapters Feature SUCCESS [ 0.151 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features :: JMX Feature SUCCESS [ 0.191 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests ..... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Karaf Core Tests SUCCESS [ 1.696 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Server Tests SUCCESS [ 9.697 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site .................. SUCCESS [ 11.106 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 55:30 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-06T10:27:57-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 363M/1527M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) on project org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration: An unexpected error occured while launching the test runtime (return code 143). See log for details. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :10
Killing Xvnc process ID 4796
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: Fuse-Tooling-pullrequest #337
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[Aurelien Pupier] Update default camel version in Camel EAP Template
[...truncated 5212 lines...]
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Maven output file path: <>
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection succeeded
isDeployment Finished? true
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Maven output file path: <>
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection succeeded
isDeployment Finished? false
JMX connection succeeded
isDeployment Finished? true
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Maven output file path: <>
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection attempt failed
JMX connection succeeded
isDeployment Finished? true
[ERROR] Timeout 2400 s exceeded. Process was killed.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Build Configuration .......... SUCCESS [ 0.234 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.247 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Build Tools ..... SUCCESS [ 1.228 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Code Generator .. SUCCESS [ 0.351 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation Core SUCCESS [ 1.187 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Preferences SUCCESS [ 0.134 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation UI SUCCESS [ 0.779 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Model Service API SUCCESS [ 0.750 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621084 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.426 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621117 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.421 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.0.redhat-630175 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.522 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.3 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.517 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Maven ..... SUCCESS [ 0.209 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Branding SUCCESS [ 0.492 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Validation SUCCESS [ 0.290 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Cheat Sheets SUCCESS [ 0.035 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Graph ..... SUCCESS [ 0.233 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Help ...... SUCCESS [ 2.335 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Imports ... SUCCESS [ 0.210 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Branding .. SUCCESS [ 0.033 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Tests SUCCESS [ 2.072 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins ............... SUCCESS [ 0.004 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Commons SUCCESS [ 0.398 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher SUCCESS [ 0.335 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Camel Editor SUCCESS [ 0.851 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 12.195 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Model Tests SUCCESS [ 6.807 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 0.300 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.567 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.634 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features ............. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features :: Core Feature SUCCESS [ 0.247 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: XSD Catalogs SUCCESS [ 0.049 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher UI SUCCESS [ 0.319 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project SUCCESS [ 0.441 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project Templates SUCCESS [ 0.450 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Tests SUCCESS [ 3.057 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 29.342 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Launcher Tests SUCCESS [ 1.646 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Launcher UI Tests SUCCESS [ 1.756 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Project Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.118 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Project Templates Tests SUCCESS [ 1.423 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: project Templates Integration Tests FAILURE [40:00 min]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features :: Camel Editor Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Editor SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features :: Data Transformation Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests . SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Editor Transformation :: Tests :: Editor Transformation Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Transformation Editor :: Tests :: Transformation Editor Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache ActiveMQ Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Camel Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Diagram View SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins ... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ::Camel ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Integration Tests :: Camel SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Commons ...... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Diagram ::View SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Commons SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter UI SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter UI SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features .. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features :: Server Adapters Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features :: JMX Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Karaf Core Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Server Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 42:16 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T08:20:39-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 307M/1512M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) on project org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration: An unexpected error occured while launching the test runtime (return code 143). See log for details. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :27
Killing Xvnc process ID 15796
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: Fuse-Tooling-8.x-Update-Site #88
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[github] Print ThreadStack in log when test failed (#679)
[github] FUSETOOLS-2089 Export package used in extension points (#678)
[...truncated 35819 lines...]
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (compiletests) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (test) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.26.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[WARNING] bundle localization file <> not found
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.26.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.26.0:package-plugin (default-package-plugin) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Building jar: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.26.0:source-feature (source-feature) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.25.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Expected eclipse log file: <> sp(a)xn--c/-bja.metadata/.log
[INFO] Command line:
[/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-, -Dosgi.noShutdown=false, -Dosgi.os=linux,, -Dosgi.arch=x86_64, -javaagent:<,> -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -Dusage_reporting_enabled=false,, -Dosgi.clean=true, -jar, <,> -data, <> sp@cé, -install, <,> -configuration, <,> -application, org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest, -testproperties, <]>
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.083 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT) Time elapsed: 0.053 sec
testKaraf[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean2xIT) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.KarafServerBean3xIT) Time elapsed: 0.003 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT
testFuseESB[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT) Time elapsed: 0.003 sec
testFuseESB[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.bean.FuseESBServerBean6xIT) Time elapsed: 0.001 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.021 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime3xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.019 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.012 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT
testFuseESB[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.006 sec
testFuseESB[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.FuseESBRuntime6xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.01 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT
testKaraf[0](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
testKaraf[1](org.fusesource.ide.server.tests.locator.KarafRuntime2xLocatorIT) Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
Results :
Tests run: 10, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] All tests passed!
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras-plugin:0.26.0:compare-version-with-baselines (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.fusesource.ide.server.tests ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-packaging-plugin:0.26.0:build-qualifier-aggregator (default-build-qualifier-aggregator) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] The project's OSGi version is 8.0.0.MASTER-v20160909-1050-B88
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:1.7:regex-property (regex-property) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Setting property 'skipTestsOrITests' to ''.
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean (default-clean-1) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] argLine set to -javaagent:<>
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.7:resources (default-resources) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory <>
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.5.1:testCompile (compiletests) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (test) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- tycho-source-plugin:0.26.0:plugin-source (plugin-source) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- target-platform-configuration:0.26.0:target-platform (default-target-platform) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:publish-products (default-publish-products) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:publish-categories (default-publish-categories) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-publisher-plugin:0.26.0:attach-artifacts (default-attach-artifacts) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.26.0:assemble-repository (default-assemble-repository) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-repository-plugin:0.26.0:archive-repository (default-archive-repository) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-source-feature-plugin:0.26.0:source-feature (source-feature) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.26.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Building zip: <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-extras-plugin:0.26.0:compare-version-with-baselines (default) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] Installing <> to <>
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.26.0:update-local-index (default-update-local-index) @ org.fusesource.ide.updatesite ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Build Configuration .......... SUCCESS [ 16.384 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling ................................. SUCCESS [ 23.209 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.010 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Build Tools ..... SUCCESS [ 53.116 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Code Generator .. SUCCESS [ 26.953 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation Core SUCCESS [ 11.785 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Preferences SUCCESS [ 0.145 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation UI SUCCESS [ 0.754 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Model Service API SUCCESS [ 14.124 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621084 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 5.581 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621117 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 5.394 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.0.redhat-630175 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 5.959 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.3 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 9.561 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Maven ..... SUCCESS [ 0.260 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.011 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Branding SUCCESS [ 0.461 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Validation SUCCESS [ 0.331 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Cheat Sheets SUCCESS [ 0.049 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Graph ..... SUCCESS [ 0.296 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Help ...... SUCCESS [ 7.172 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Imports ... SUCCESS [ 0.224 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Branding .. SUCCESS [ 0.049 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Tests SUCCESS [ 2.565 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins ............... SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Commons SUCCESS [ 0.336 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher SUCCESS [ 0.360 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Camel Editor SUCCESS [ 0.955 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 35.436 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Model Tests SUCCESS [ 7.081 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 0.319 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.627 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.399 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features ............. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features :: Core Feature SUCCESS [ 0.228 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: XSD Catalogs SUCCESS [ 0.059 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher UI SUCCESS [ 0.315 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project SUCCESS [ 0.452 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project Templates SUCCESS [ 0.477 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Tests SUCCESS [ 3.157 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 29.947 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Launcher Tests SUCCESS [ 1.653 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Launcher UI Tests SUCCESS [ 1.804 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Project Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.546 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Project Templates Tests SUCCESS [ 1.488 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: project Templates Integration Tests FAILURE [16:50 min]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features ..... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features :: Camel Editor Feature SUCCESS [ 0.219 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation .......... SUCCESS [ 0.078 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Core SUCCESS [ 4.497 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Editor SUCCESS [ 0.919 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features :: Data Transformation Feature SUCCESS [ 0.160 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests . SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Tests SUCCESS [ 2.874 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 9.023 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Editor Transformation :: Tests :: Editor Transformation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.619 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Transformation Editor :: Tests :: Transformation Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 9.658 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache ActiveMQ Facade SUCCESS [ 14.725 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Camel Facade SUCCESS [ 0.762 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Diagram View SUCCESS [ 0.334 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters .............. SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins ... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter Core SUCCESS [ 1.155 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Facade SUCCESS [ 0.792 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ................. SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ::Camel ......... SUCCESS [ 1.515 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Integration Tests :: Camel SUCCESS [ 6.313 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Commons ...... SUCCESS [ 1.945 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Diagram ::View SUCCESS [ 1.818 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features .............. SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Commons SUCCESS [ 0.288 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter UI SUCCESS [ 0.569 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter Core SUCCESS [ 0.444 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter UI SUCCESS [ 0.357 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features .. SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features :: Server Adapters Feature SUCCESS [ 0.153 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features :: JMX Feature SUCCESS [ 0.195 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests ..... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Karaf Core Tests SUCCESS [ 1.759 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Server Tests SUCCESS [ 8.473 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site .................. SUCCESS [ 12.524 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 31:06 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T07:11:25-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 365M/1702M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) on project org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <> for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :31
Killing Xvnc process ID 3408
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: Fuse-Tooling-pullrequest #335
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[github] FUSETOOLS-2018 - Have dependency on latest m2e tycho connectors (#674)
[github] Fusetools 1877 improve test checking for validation error (#675)
[github] Print ThreadStack in log when test failed (#679)
[github] FUSETOOLS-2089 Export package used in extension points (#678)
[Lars Heinemann] FUSETOOLS-2085 - automate build of the project templates and fixed some
[Lars Heinemann] moved templates into templates plugin subfolder "template-sources"
[...truncated 5839 lines...]
testCXFCodeFirstJavaProjectCreation[2.15.1.redhat-621117](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForCXFCodeFirstIT) Time elapsed: 18.08 sec
testCXFCodeFirstSpringProjectCreation[2.15.1.redhat-621117](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForCXFCodeFirstIT) Time elapsed: 20.439 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.CamelProjectConfiguratorIT
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 6.262 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.CamelProjectConfiguratorIT
testMavenNotFacetedProjectUpdate(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.CamelProjectConfiguratorIT) Time elapsed: 2.358 sec
testEmptyButFacetedProjectCreation(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.CamelProjectConfiguratorIT) Time elapsed: 3.902 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.pages.model.TemplateModelIT
Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.pages.model.TemplateModelIT
testCorrectNumberOfCategories(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.pages.model.TemplateModelIT) Time elapsed: 0.003 sec
testCorrectMediumFuseContent(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.pages.model.TemplateModelIT) Time elapsed: 0.003 sec
testInitializationWorks(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.pages.model.TemplateModelIT) Time elapsed: 0 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableCheckForBomVersionIT
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 20.407 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableCheckForBomVersionIT
testFuseBomAlignedToCamelVersionWhenTargetRuntimeSelected(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableCheckForBomVersionIT) Time elapsed: 10.07 sec
testFuseBomAlignedToCamelVersionWhenNoTargetRuntimeSelected(org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableCheckForBomVersionIT) Time elapsed: 10.256 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForEAPSpringIT
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 80.737 sec - in org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForEAPSpringIT
testEAPSpringProjectCreation[2.17.3](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForEAPSpringIT) Time elapsed: 17.518 sec
testEAPSpringProjectCreation[2.15.1.redhat-621084](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForEAPSpringIT) Time elapsed: 16.487 sec
testEAPSpringProjectCreation[2.17.0.redhat-630175](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForEAPSpringIT) Time elapsed: 19.794 sec
testEAPSpringProjectCreation[2.15.1.redhat-621117](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForEAPSpringIT) Time elapsed: 26.936 sec
Running org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForAMQIT
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Have a trace in case of infinite loop in FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.waitJob()
Maven output file path: <>
[ERROR] Timeout 2400 s exceeded. Process was killed.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Build Configuration .......... SUCCESS [ 0.235 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.249 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Build Tools ..... SUCCESS [ 0.769 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Code Generator .. SUCCESS [ 0.428 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation Core SUCCESS [ 1.224 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Preferences SUCCESS [ 0.127 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation UI SUCCESS [ 0.766 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Model Service API SUCCESS [ 0.684 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621084 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.472 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621117 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.411 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.0.redhat-630175 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.489 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.3 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.507 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Maven ..... SUCCESS [ 0.196 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Branding SUCCESS [ 0.448 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Validation SUCCESS [ 0.287 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Cheat Sheets SUCCESS [ 0.035 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Graph ..... SUCCESS [ 0.297 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Help ...... SUCCESS [ 2.208 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Imports ... SUCCESS [ 0.213 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Branding .. SUCCESS [ 0.034 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Tests SUCCESS [ 1.990 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins ............... SUCCESS [ 0.004 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Commons SUCCESS [ 0.307 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher SUCCESS [ 0.340 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Camel Editor SUCCESS [ 0.926 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 11.816 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Model Tests SUCCESS [ 6.696 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 0.323 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.716 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.306 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features ............. SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features :: Core Feature SUCCESS [ 0.224 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: XSD Catalogs SUCCESS [ 0.048 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher UI SUCCESS [ 0.305 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project SUCCESS [ 0.335 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project Templates SUCCESS [ 0.968 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Tests SUCCESS [ 3.000 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 28.654 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Launcher Tests SUCCESS [ 1.607 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Launcher UI Tests SUCCESS [ 1.705 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Project Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.379 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Project Templates Tests SUCCESS [ 1.475 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: project Templates Integration Tests FAILURE [40:00 min]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features :: Camel Editor Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Editor SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features :: Data Transformation Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests . SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Editor Transformation :: Tests :: Editor Transformation Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Transformation Editor :: Tests :: Transformation Editor Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache ActiveMQ Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Camel Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Diagram View SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins ... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ::Camel ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Integration Tests :: Camel SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Commons ...... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Diagram ::View SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Commons SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter UI SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter UI SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features .. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features :: Server Adapters Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features :: JMX Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Karaf Core Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Server Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 42:47 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T07:09:09-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 390M/1397M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) on project org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration: An unexpected error occured while launching the test runtime (return code 143). See log for details. -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :20
Killing Xvnc process ID 12344
8 years, 3 months
Build failed in Jenkins: Fuse-Tooling-pullrequest #330
by Fuse Jenkins
See <>
[Aurelien Pupier] FUSETOOLS-2089 Export package used in extension points
[...truncated 7718 lines...]
but was not.
at org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.launchDebug(
at org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.testProjectCreation(
at org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForAMQIT.testAMQSpringProjectCreation(
testAMQBlueprintProjectCreation[2.15.1.redhat-621117](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForAMQIT) skipped
testAMQSpringProjectCreation[2.15.1.redhat-621117](org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForAMQIT) Time elapsed: 43.494 sec <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: [build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
at org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.launchDebug(
at org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableIT.testProjectCreation(
at org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration.wizards.FuseIntegrationProjectCreatorRunnableForAMQIT.testAMQSpringProjectCreation(
Results :
Failed tests:
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
[build/deployment failed, you can have a look to the file <> for more information.]
to be equal to:
but was not.
Tests run: 62, Failures: 16, Errors: 0, Skipped: 8
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
Job found still running after platform shutdown. Jobs should be canceled by the plugin that scheduled them during shutdown: org.fusesource.ide.launcher.debug.model.CamelDebugTarget$ThreadGarbageCollector
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Build Configuration .......... SUCCESS [ 0.432 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling ................................. SUCCESS [ 1.230 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools ........................ SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Build Tools ..... SUCCESS [ 1.268 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Tools :: IDE Code Generator .. SUCCESS [ 0.709 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.007 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins .............. SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation Core SUCCESS [ 1.956 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Preferences SUCCESS [ 0.122 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Foundation UI SUCCESS [ 0.959 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Model Service API SUCCESS [ 3.879 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621084 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.474 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.15.1.redhat-621117 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.456 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.0.redhat-630175 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.521 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel 2.17.3 Service Implementation SUCCESS [ 0.573 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Maven ..... SUCCESS [ 0.195 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor ................. SUCCESS [ 0.008 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins ...... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Branding SUCCESS [ 0.611 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Camel Validation SUCCESS [ 0.308 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Cheat Sheets SUCCESS [ 0.039 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Graph ..... SUCCESS [ 0.308 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Help ...... SUCCESS [ 2.672 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Imports ... SUCCESS [ 0.303 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Plugins :: Branding .. SUCCESS [ 0.044 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests ................ SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Tests SUCCESS [ 2.118 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX .......................... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins ............... SUCCESS [ 0.005 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Commons SUCCESS [ 0.304 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher SUCCESS [ 0.418 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Camel Editor SUCCESS [ 1.123 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Service Core Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 12.930 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Model Tests SUCCESS [ 6.604 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 0.337 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Tests SUCCESS [ 1.592 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Tests :: Camel Validation Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.253 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features ............. SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core :: Features :: Core Feature SUCCESS [ 0.226 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: XSD Catalogs SUCCESS [ 0.047 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Launcher UI SUCCESS [ 0.317 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project SUCCESS [ 0.363 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Plugins :: Project Templates SUCCESS [ 0.717 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests ........ SUCCESS [ 0.006 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Tests SUCCESS [ 3.078 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel Editor Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 29.236 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Launcher Tests SUCCESS [ 1.657 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Launcher UI Tests SUCCESS [ 1.783 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Camel IDE Project Integration Tests SUCCESS [ 7.936 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: Project Templates Tests SUCCESS [ 1.389 s]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Tests :: project Templates Integration Tests FAILURE [16:04 min]
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Camel Editor :: Features :: Camel Editor Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation .......... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Plugins :: Editor SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Data Transformation :: Features :: Data Transformation Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests . SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Core Transformation :: Tests :: Core Transformation Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Editor Transformation :: Tests :: Editor Transformation Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Transformation Editor :: Tests :: Transformation Editor Integration Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache ActiveMQ Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Camel Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: JMX Diagram View SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins ... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Facade SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests ::Camel ......... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Integration Tests :: Camel SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Commons ...... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Tests :: Diagram ::View SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features .............. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Commons SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: Apache Karaf Adapter UI SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter Core SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Plugins :: JBoss Fuse Adapter UI SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features .. SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Features :: Server Adapters Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: JMX :: Features :: JMX Feature SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests ..... SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Karaf Core Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Server Adapters :: Tests :: Server Tests SKIPPED
[INFO] JBoss Fuse Tooling :: Update Site .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 18:43 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2016-09-09T04:07:15-04:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 368M/1752M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.26.0:test (default-test) on project org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration: There are test failures.
[ERROR] Please refer to <> for the individual test results.
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.fusesource.ide.projecttemplates.tests.integration
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :89
Killing Xvnc process ID 2449
8 years, 3 months