Only plans right now are to separate our public SPIs and APIs from our
private ones. This is a requirement by Red hat before we go into product.
Also, a massive backlog of requirements and feature requests has made us
rush documentation. The screencast videos haven't been updated since
January. It is what it is. Over the next 3-6 months we will catch up
on this stuff becuase we are required to before we go into Product.
FYI, we already autogenerate REST docs.
On 8/9/2015 7:38 AM, Lennart Jörelid wrote:
Hello all,
A month or so ago, I got curious about Keycloak. Downloaded, set up in a
dev environment, created some custom themes and took a look at the
codebase. I have a few questions, likely because I have missed some
developer documentation:
* *Codebase concepts*: I frequently try to structure codebases to
highlight its big concepts. For example, if we consider 'themes' to
be such a concept in KeyCloak we might create a folder called
'themes", with some project wihtin it: (themes-model, themes-spi,
themes-impl-jpa, themes-impl-freemarker, ....). Is there a
description of the codebase structure or concepts currently?
* *Codebase javadoc:* Do we have a policy for JavaDoc'ing the
Model/API/SPI but perhaps not the implementation classes, other than
with implementation details?
* *Configuration:* Some of the descriptions in the docbook are really
good, and some are more shallow. If we create a standard way of
configuring the parts of keycloak, we could likely generate standard
setup/configuration documentation (somewhat similar to maven plugins
where certain parts of a site documentation is generated from
annotations or JavaDocs). Are there such plans?
| Bästa hälsningar,
| [sw. "Best regards"]
| Lennart Jörelid
| EAI Architect & Integrator
| jGuru Europe AB
| Mölnlycke - Kista
| <>
| <>
| Phone
| (skype): jgurueurope
| (intl): +46 708 507 603
| (domestic): 0708 - 507 603
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