Hello community!
I'm almost new to keycloak. I was given an issue at some project to
investigate. We are using Keycloak to authenticate an openui5 app users.
Redirection to keycloak server works well for authentication, corresponding
URL looks ok:
So far only Chrome browser was considered in test. After authentication at
keycloak server at Chrome Network tab I can see resource appname/ getting
loaded with the "expected redirected" Request URL =
http://host/appname/ and
the rest of application resources loaded ok.
But in FF (tried versions 56 and 57) after authentication (keycloak request
URL's straucture is the same =
I can see at FF network monitor that resource appname/ is loading with not
expected (to me) Request URL =
With that additional hash app resources not loading well. What can be the
reason in FF Request URL looks different from Chrome? Appreciate any hints
how to get rid off that hash.