i would like to post the following issue:
I have set up a docker security proxy container: (from image
jboss/keycloak-proxy ) and a test application behind that proxy that
authenticates users through a keykloak docker container (jboss/keycloak
When i *logout *from keycloak central realm pahe, the session with the
test application DOES NOT FINISH and the client test application is not
logged out.
Can you help please?
proxy.json configuration
"target-url": "http://test_app
"bind-address": "",
"send-access-token": true,
"http-port": "8180",
"https-port": "8443",
"applications": [
"base-path": "/",
"adapter-config": {
"realm": "internal_applications",
"auth-server-url": "http://keycloak_server/auth
"resource": "test_app",
"ssl-required": "external",
"constraints": [
"pattern": "/*",
"authenticate": true
thank you!!!
Dimitris Charlaftis
Software Engineer
National Documentation Center
email: dharlaftis(a)