Hi Ashish,
The datastore of the gateway can be separate from the manager (it
*can* be the same, but does not need to be).
This means that even if the manager goes down, or a particular gateway
instance goes down, as long as a given gateway's datastore is still
available then they should keep running.
The flow is as follows:
1. The user publishes an API/Client in the Apiman Manager. This causes
a push to the gateway API.
2. The gateway API receives and inserts the information into the
gateway datastore, which is shared with the other nodes in its
3. When traffic hits the gateway, the gateway looks into the *gateway*
datastore, not the manager.
Hope this is clear?
On 12 April 2018 at 08:50, Ashish Patel <ashish.patel(a)futuregroup.in> wrote:
Thanks Marc.
We also want to configure the HA for APIMan Gateway. Referred
https://apiman.gitbooks.io/apiman-production-guide/ and have one quick question - may
sound silly. How each APIMan Gateway servers (under HA) gets the updated configs from
APIMan Manager ? as in APIMan Manager, shall be configuring the HA Server's URL and
that will redirect to any one of the underlying APIGateway servers - can you please help
me understand the HA architecture.
Thanks & Regards,
Ashish Patel
-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Savy [mailto:marc.savy@redhat.com]
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2018 16:19
To: Ashish Patel
Cc: apiman-user(a)lists.jboss.org
Subject: Re: [Apiman-user] Production Upgrade Recommendation
Hi Ashish,
Yes, Vert.x should be your best option for performance, but you should give it test in a
staging environment to ensure it works without any issues for your environment.
Any of the community using Vert.x in production want to add any comments?
On 5 April 2018 at 07:07, Ashish Patel <ashish.patel(a)futuregroup.in> wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently we are in production with APIMan 1.2.7.Final with Willdfly
> 10 (both APImanUI and APImanGateway, Keycloak on separate server). We
> are planning to upgrade to latest version 1.3.1.Final and need
> recommendation on deployment strategy. As per Download page we have
> following options (please add if any missed).
> For Upgrading from APIman 1.2.7 to APIman 1.3.1
> 1. APImanUI and APImanGateway both on Wildfly 10 .
> 2. #1 deployment through Docker.
> 3. APImanUI and APImanGateway both on Tomcat8+
> 4. APImanUI on Wildfly10 and APIGateway on Vert.x
> Looking for stable and high throughput deployment choice – as per my
> limited knowledge #4 would be the best – however I may be wrong based
> on actual usage. Appreciate the feedback.
> Thanks in advance.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Ashish Patel
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