Benjamin Marwell commented on ARQ-2131:
Hello [~gpoul],
thanks for your reply. I know there is a fix coming in the next release. This issue is
about the fact, that there was no release for two years.
I'd look into it about the test.
Fix for multiple JVM arguments not release
Key: ARQ-2131
Project: Arquillian
Issue Type: Bug
Components: WebSphere Containers
Environment: {code}arquillian-container-was-1.0.0.Beta2{code}
{{arquillian.xml}} snippet:
{code:xml} <container qualifier="liberty-ci-managed">
<property name="deployType">xml</property>
<property name="javaVmArguments">-Dsetting1=x
Reporter: Benjamin Marwell
Assignee: Gerhard Poul
Fix For: was_1.0.0.next
h2. expected output
Process started with (from Debug):
{{FINER: Starting server with command: [java, -Dsetting1=x, -Dsetting2=y,
-javaagent:lib/bootstrap-agent.jar, -jar, lib/ws-launch.jar, defaultServer]}}
h2. actual output
note the missing comma betweed setting1 and setting2:
{{FINER: Starting server with command: [java, -Dsetting1=x -Dsetting2=y,
-javaagent:lib/bootstrap-agent.jar, -jar, lib/ws-launch.jar, defaultServer]}}
h2. Solution
Already exists. This commit is currently not in a release:
What can't be seen from here: this commit is needed to have multiple JVM args.
Otherwise all jvm args are concatenated into a single String.
So, the bug is fixed in trunk, but not released.
h2. Proposed test case
It is also missing a test case.
Please add a test case with two or more {{-D}}-Parameters and check in your servlet if
they are set.
Thank you very much!