Aslak Knutsen updated ARQ-1902:
Status: Resolved (was: Pull Request Sent)
Resolution: Done
pushed upstream
Provide SPI for conditional execution of test methods
Key: ARQ-1902
Project: Arquillian
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Base Implementation
Affects Versions: 1.1.5.Final
Reporter: Stefan Miklosovic
Assignee: Stefan Miklosovic
Fix For: 1.1.6.Final
Let me explain.
We want to do this:
public class TestCase
public void test() {
// this test method will be executed
// because Aslak created EJB Jar archive (JIRA status = done)
public void test() {
// this methods will NOT be executed (will be skipped)
// becase lets say that its status is "open / unresolved"
While looking into the code, it seems these classes are most important (1), (2).
So my initial approach was that I wanted to kind of "hook" into that execution
and dynamically resolve if that test method is going to be executed or not but I am
failing to do so since there is not any SPI which would load my
test-method-execution-decider which would tell if that method is going to be executed or
if it will be marked as skipped.
In that decider, I would dynamically log in to jira and read if that jira is resolved or
nor and behave accordingly.
Is there any will to push this to upstream once implemented? Default decider would indeed
execute that method every time and I would just put my own decider and whole JIRA api on
class path in my custom extension.