by John Mazzitelli
Can you look at that? I'm confused how you got the bus stuff to work because:
a) I do not see you adding any additional dependencies to the bus WildFly extension module.xml
b) I do not see any additional jackson jars added.
The agent has:
<module name="org.codehaus.jackson.jackson-core-asl"/>
but that still fails:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException
I see the org.codehaus.jackson modules in WildFly, but all of them have Java packages of org.codehaus, not org.fasterxml...
So, I'm not sure what magic I'm missing. I should have all the code in there now, I just need to know what runtime dependencies the agent needs to have to get those classes.
9 years, 6 months
Master "open" again
by Heiko W.Rupp
alpha2 has been tagged, so post alpha2-changes can go in master now.
Remember to keep master in a releasable state nevertheless
9 years, 6 months
Prototype of operations execution on the feed
by Heiko W.Rupp
I have prototyped the execution of operations on the feed (WF-server for
Note, that this is not any way of final implementation, but merely a
proof of
concept to get this started with the possibility to discuss some less
abstract situation/code.
Also for the "action on all selected items" - that is currently not
the selected items only.
This works by having a new endpoint on the server
where a post to it submits one or more jobs onto the server.
A get to opsq/{feedid} then pulls one job for that feed.
The wf-agent now has a new runnable 'OpsGroupRunnable' that
once per minute polls that above endpoint and executes jobs that are
I think that for a real implementation we should consider upgrading
the server-feed communication from many http/1.1 requests to
a websocket connection, that is then multiplexed on the server and
when something is added to the queue of jobs, it directly gets
pushed instead of the agent polling for it.
Also the result of the operation needs to be delivered back to the
server and ui; we need to add some unique operation id, to be able
to correlate request and result.
This also brings back the resource type discussion (see other email),
as e.g. a .war file does not support a :delete action. This needs e.g.
be broken out into a :undeploy and then remove-from-vf-content-repo
action. Or there are no :enable/:disable actions. They may need to be
translated into deploy/undeploy. Or greyed out in the UI.
The implementation spans multiple repositories - I do not intend
to send pull-requests, as this is only a prototype / proof of concept.
- QueueHandling
- UI
9 years, 6 months
monitor websites through regex
by Brett Meyer
Random question:
On the side, I maintain the web platforms for several nonprofits throughout the US. Each platform runs on its own OpenShift Online instance (EWS). There's also a content server running elsewhere (Apache on CentOS). In the past, I've used to monitor them all. I typically setup regex for each platform's "About Us" page. If the content shows up properly, both the platform server and content server are running. Obviously, I don't *have* to use regex...
...but it's useful sometimes. Can Hawkular monitor a web URL using regex on the HTML content? Or is monitoring the app server and web server themselves the only option at this point?
Would love to help with Hawkular dogfooding.
9 years, 6 months
Hawkular console directory structure changes
by Viliam Rockai
Hey all,
With my recent PR there are some directory structure changes introduced
to the hawkular console by removing redundant directories:
1. The console is now directly in the ./hawkular/console (instead
of ./hawkular/ui/console)
2. In the plugins directories the redundant "plugins/foo/" was removed
so now, instead of going to
"./src/main/scripts/plugins/metrics/plugins/metrics" you go to
The previous structure was inherited while moving hawkular-components
repository, where the plugins were created with plugin
generator. It didn't make much sense in current hawkular console and I
hope this would make traversing the console files easier and less
9 years, 6 months
[GSoC] Hawkular Android Client: Weekly Report #6
by Artur Dryomov
Hi everyone,
This year I am working on the Hawkular Android application as part of the
Google Summer of Code 2015 program.
I’ve spent the last week on the authorization process and updating the API
to the current Hawkular state.
This week wasn’t very productive actually :-(
I’ve proposed to add the deauthorization item to the navigation drawer [1],
but it caused a discussion about UX issues and I’m still awaiting for
feedback at this point. We also prepared the demo during an intense session
of adapting the client to the current Hawkular API state [2]. At this point
I have some work done on integrating these API-related changes in a
non-hacky way [3]. There are some changes on making alerts and the chart
more flexible internally as well.
After finishing what is planned, I’ll try to get to full-speed and think
about what is the next step. Applications, maybe? I don’t see any public
API documentation at this point though.
Have a nice week!
9 years, 6 months
Hawkular-pluggable data processors for metrics: Progress Report
by Aakarsh Agarwal
Hi all,
I am currently working on the Hawkular Metrics repository as part of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program and this is to update the progress of my project.
As of now, the git repo on my github profile dedicated to implement a simple plugin interface using 5 basic statistical algorithms has been updated. 5 standard functions implemented here are -
Minimum of the entered data set.
Maximum of the entered data set.
Average of the entered data set.
Mode of the entered data set.
Standard Deviation of the entered data set.
The link to this git repo is -
The work done since last update of the project includes -
This project now uses maven to build the project and works on several submodules. There exists individual submodule per plugin for each standard function.
The project makes use of to load all the classes implementing StatisticalAlgo.
It asks the input from user as to which plugin is to be used. It then computes and displays the desired result. is the test class. This class tests all the plugins at once and also different plugins individually. This increases the reliability and accuracy of the test class.
All the desired jar files get compiled and packaged at one place.
Aakarsh Agarwal
9 years, 6 months