BTM agent relationship with Hawkular agent
by Gary Brown
On the team call just now, Heiko raised a question about whether the BTM agent could work with the Hawkular agent. So thought I would start this discussion thread to see what the potential options are.
I currently see two issues:
1) The BTM agent must be configured on the jvm command line as a "-javaagent" to install ByteMan for instrumentation purposes. This is instantiated before the JBoss modules (and therefore subsystems etc) are initialised.
2) The hawkular agent won't necessarily be installed in all monitored servers, and instead remotely monitor some. The BTM agent would need to be installed in all servers where business transactions are executing.
One type of integration that may be possible is in terms of delivering the captured business transaction information to the backend? i.e. the BTM agent locally reports it to the Hawkular agent as a relay?
3 weeks
[GSoC] Hawkular Android Client
by Artur Dryomov
Hi everyone,
This year I will be working on the Hawkular Android client application as
part of the Google Summer of Code 2015 program.
The application itself will use Hawkular API and AeroGear SDK. In coming
days I’ll research these areas, especially documentation, and will try to
create some sort of architecture and basic design.
Thank you all for this opportunity!
2 months, 1 week
Hawkular Metrics Openshift Containers
by Matt Wringe
I have a new subproject in Hawkular Metrics which sets up creating
components for Openshift/Fabric8
There are 3 main parts
Cassandra: creates a custom seed provider to support
ReplicationControllers in Kubernetes, creates a folder/zip archive which
can be used to generate a Docker image. It may make sense to move the
Cassandra parts out to a separate project.
Hawkular Metrics: creates a folder/zip archive which can be used to
generate a Docker image
Kubernetes: pulls everything together into a single kubernetes
application. Can be used to deploy an application zip into fabric8 (via
drag and drop in the web console or via the maven plugin) or deploy all
the components into Openshift via the kubernetes.json configuration file.
The docker images are not created and deployed to a docker registry as
part of the build, it will just create a folder where you can run the
docker build from. None of the maven docker plugins I looked at seemed
to really work properly, so its still a manual process to do the build
(and push to a registry). Its something which needs to be improved.
The Cassandra service currently only supports adding new nodes to a
cluster and not removing them via the ReplicationController. This is due
to the replication factor being set to be 1 by default (which means when
a node is removed, so is the data it contained).
I believe the docker subproject of hawkular metrics is obsolete and can
be removed
(, but
someone please correct me if I am wrong. It's scripts are referring to
the console which no longer exists as part of the project.
- Matt
2 months, 2 weeks
Maven swagger plugin
by Gary Brown
The current version of the maven-swagger-plugin used by hawkular doesn't include derived types in the generated docs.
I've tried updating to 2.3.4 and it still does not work. From some basic tests with 3.0.0, it seems to produce the correct content in the json schema - but has slightly different attributes to the plugin configuration, which when updated does not seem to run the template correctly.
The other issue is some API changes when updating the com.wordnik:swagger-* dependencies in line with this maven plugin, as there have been some GAV and API changes.
Its not an urgent issue, but it looks like we will be impacted by changes when we need to upgrade, so thought I would raise the issue.
2 months, 2 weeks
Tenant Id - Not Part of URL
by Stefan Negrea
Hello Everybody,
I've been working on a PR for the upcoming Hawkular Metrics release that will remove the tenant id from the end-point URLs. The tenant id will be moved to either a header parameter or a query parameter. The query parameter is in place for cases (such as curl) where setting a header is not possible, difficult, or inconvenient.
Here is an example of the change:
Existing URL:
New URL:
Tenant id set via:
1) header - tenantId
2) query parameter - tenantId
There are two exceptions to this rule, /tenants and /db/{tenantid}/series. The /tenants end-point will be changed into something different in the upcoming releases since it is mostly a management type API that does not belong in the same place with the regular metrics endpoint. And /db/{tenantid}/series end-point is needed in this exact format for compatibility with Influxdb compatible services.
Now, to the merits of this change. The tenant id is volatile, can change any time, and changes to it should be expected; but the rest of the URL is fixed. The second issue is that the tenant id is a security concern. So we were limited in design choices since a security concern was leaking as part of the URL.
So removing the tenant id from the URL will give us permanent & consistent addresses for resources (metrics and metric data points). And we will gain a lot of flexibility on the security side. In the future, users could authenticate with a user/pass combo and the backend would transform that into a tenant id to be used on the request. If the same user later decides to use a tenant id to pass along the request, the URL of the resources would not change. Another expectation is that tenant id is not sufficient, it is typically a combo of id + secret; so we would have resorted to a header or query param for the second piece of information (the secret).
This change will give us the flexibility to adjust the security model (the meaning of tenant ids and ways to validate them) without compromising the URL structure. This will help Hawkular Metrics as it gets integrated into more and more projects and products.
Here are the links to the JIRA and the PR for this change:
Thank you,
Stefan Negrea
Software Engineer
2 months, 2 weeks
New and noteworthy in hawkular-parent 25
by Peter Palaga
Hi *,
hawkular-parent 25 brings the following:
* srcdeps-maven-plugin 0.0.5
* meets the promisses falsely done for 0.0.4:
* less console output
* built without tests
* wildfly-maven-plugin 1.1.0.Alpha4
I have sent PRs to all components repos.
hawkular-dev mailing list
2 months, 2 weeks
Hawkular Metrics 0.6.0 - Release & Beyond
by Stefan Negrea
Hello Everybody,
I am happy to announce release 0.6.0 of Hawkular Metrics. The release is anchored by enhancements for counter metrics, updates to the container infrastructure, and overall performance and stability enhancements.
Here is a list of major changes in this release:
1) Querying
* Metrics can now be searched with regexp filtering capabilities on tags
* Metrics queries now support logical AND for tags
2) Internal
* TenantId and type were moved to the MetricId instead of Metric class
* Implicit tenants (not manaully created prior to sending first set of metric data) are now created on metrics insertion
3) Container
* Updated to the latest Heapster version (0.17)
* The communication between the Hawkular Metrics and Cassandra containers have now been secured. This means that only Hawkular Metrics can communicate with its Cassandra containers.
4) Counters
* Per-minute rates can be retrieved via the /hawkular/metrics/counters/{id}/rate endpoint.
5) Task scheduling
* The scheduler API and schema has undergone several changes. It is now possible to group related tasks so that order of execution can be controlled when there are interdependencies. There is still ongoing work to support asynchronous job execution and to provide fault tolerance.
6) Ruby Client
* The project has now an official Ruby client, this joins the existing Go and Python clients. One of Hawkular Metrics' objectives is to be easy to integrate with; providing language specific clients is an important component for fulfilling this objective.
Hawkular Metrics Clients
* Ruby:
* Python:
* Go:
Github Release:
JBoss Nexus Maven artifacts:
Jira release tracker:
Hawkular Metrics 0.7.0 & Beyond
1) Gauge Aggregates - The task scheduling work is now in place to enable server side aggregates at ingestion. The expectation is to release an initial implementation for this feature in 0.7.0.
2) Improved docker and kubernetes support - this is a long term goal for the project
3) Support for counters in Python & Golang clients
A big "Thank you" goes to John Sanda, Thomas Segismont, Mike Thompson, Matt Wringe, Michael Burman, Libor Zoubek, Jirka Kremser, and Heiko Rupp for their project contributions.
Thank you,
Stefan Negrea
Software Engineer
9 years, 2 months
Is this an applicable use-case for Hawkular
by Anton Hughes
I have been watching the developments of Hawkular, and am really impressed!
I have a few questions about Hawkular.
Hawkular seems to be primarily focused on server metrics and monitoring.
I am, however, interested in exploring the possibility of using it for
monitoring and alerting of specific business events. For example, lets say
I had an online shop and I sold my widgets via affiliates. Would it be
possible to capture the sales event, persist and display metrics - so the
affiliate partner could login and see their activities? And to send such
events to Hawkular, is there a java client?
When using the server agent, are captured events sent async?
Anton Hughes
9 years, 3 months