(no subject)
by Pavel Maslov
Hi everyone,
How does a Java service (secured with Keycloak) checks the validity of
token? Does it have all the necessary info in keycloak.json or does it make
an extra call to the keycloak auth server?
Thank you.
Pavel Maslov, MS
9 years, 1 month
Consistent error Unknown Saml Response when trying to log in through remote IDP
by Ton Swieb
I have set up a test environment with a remote IDP (simplesamlphp) for
Keycloak (1.6.1 Final).
When I try to use the remote IDP to log in, I always get a "We're sorry,
invalid request" page.
>From the log I can see that the error comes from
SamlService.handleResponse(), where a cookie named KEYCLOAK_IDENTITY is
expected to exist and be valid, which never seems the case.
I have experimented with different configuration options for the remote
IDP, but nothing changes this.
Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks.
9 years, 1 month