Is there a form/basic fallback option for Keycloak SAML adaptor for Tomcat?
by ken edward
Looking at the Keycloak SAML adaptor for Tomcat I see that it seems to
say the login authentication parameter from the web.xml are "ignored"
(can't say SPNEGO, BASIC). Is there any way to implement FORM based
authentication fallback for the Keycloack SAML Adaptor?
<realm-name>this is ignored currently</realm-name>
Can something like this be done:
7 years, 7 months
Activate only features needed using cluster
by Fabien SINTES
I need to design a secure infrastructure with many zones (vlan, fw filtering...). Is it possible to separate this roles :
- URI for token Delivery, authentification (openid connect, oauth)
- internal user database (or is it possible only if external ldap server is used ?)
- Admin UI
- Admin Rest API
This différents servers would be in cluster (sync allowed by filtering between zones).
I have understand it is possible to configure "localhost" for this services but is it possible to disable it ? and having all this roles working fine in cluster ?
Thank you.
7 years, 7 months
Default Realm Roles Not Set When role-ldap-mapper is configured for AD
by Adrian Matei
Hi everyone,
When I configure an LDAP Role Mapper for Active Directory the Default Roles
of the Realm are not set anymore when a user registers himself or if I
create one via the Keycloak Admin Console.
Mapper type: role-ldap-mapper
LDAP Roles DN: subtree in AD
Role LDAP Attribute: cn
Role Object Classes: group
Membership LDAP Attribute: member
Membership Attribute Type: DN
Membership User LDAP Attribute: uid
User Roles Retrieve Strategy: LOAD_ROLES_BY_MEMBER_Attribute
Use Realm Roles Mapping: ON
Does anyone have a solution, or should I create a Jira Issue for that?
Best regards,
7 years, 7 months
Log as a group feature
by Fabien SINTES
I'm looking for an IAM SSO system with the following feature, I'm just Learning about open id connect... :
I need to allow a user to "log as a group" and inform the client (remote web site).
It seems not possible with keyloak but I would happy to find a solution (other iam allow this feature but I would prefere redhat support).
I think I could add an information in the json token witch would mean "I am fabien, I am member of this groups and I want you to identify me as FinancialGroup". With json information like user:fabien, impersonation:FinancialGroup....
The client (remote web site) would read json information and will authenticate the user fabien but using his group to identify the user for different internal actions.
Do you think it is Something possible and a good practice ?!
In this case, it is also needed to custom login page to permit the user to choose this option "user:... , pwd..., login as...". And the combo box for "login as" should list the user groups available. Is it possible ?
Sorry for my English...
Thank you very much.
7 years, 7 months
Login a Java Fat Client with Windows Kerberos Token agains Keycloak backed by AD?
by Malte Finsterwalder
I have the following setup:
I'm programming a Java Fat Client application. I want to integrate it into
SSO with Keycloak.
Our Keycloak is connected to our Windows Active Directory (AD).
So my idea is, that my Fat Client uses the Windows 7 Kerberos Token and
sends that to Keycloak. Keycloak should authorize the token agains the AD
and send back an authorization token to the Fat Client, so I can later use
this Keycloak token to access other Rest-Services.
Fat Client (with Kerberos Token) -> Keycloak -> AD
Fat Client (with Keycloak Token) -> REST-Service
I can't find anything in the documentation regarding this szenario.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
7 years, 7 months
How to change link to verify-email in email template?
by Alex Berg
I have a proxy running which proxies "" to
"mykeycloakhost/auth/realms/MyApp/". I think it's less noisy for users of
my website.
In dev, when I have keycloak send a "verify email" action, the URI in the
email is "localhost:8080/auth/realms/MyApp/login-actions/
How do I change this URI in the "verify email" email to be
I see it's calculated like:
UriInfo uriInfo = session.getContext().getUri();
UriBuilder builder = Urls.actionTokenBuilder(uriInfo.getBaseUri(),
token.serialize(session, realm, uriInfo));
String link =;
- Source:
I'm not great at understanding Java and OO, so I can't figure how where
"session.getContext()" is defined.
How are other people solving this? Should I just remove the link variable
in the email template and use a hardcoded link?
7 years, 7 months
Java Admin client with signed JWT
by Denny Israel
i am using the java admin client to configure my keycloak instance. At the
moment i use client secrets to authenticate against keycloak but want to
use a signed JWT. I know how to enable the signed JWT Auth in Keycloak and
how to pass a JWT via authorization() method to KeycloakBuilder (at least i
think it would work ;-)).
Is there a convenient way to create such a token? What should such a token
The javadoc of KeycloakBuilder gives example usages of username/password
and client secret authentication but not of JWT authentications.
best regards
7 years, 7 months
Unable to set proxy on identity brokering (apache http client)
by Boutin Damien
We are hardly trying to configure our access to our IDP, using a proxy.
After quick look in the source code, it looks that some changes have been done in the SimpleHttp class, used to access token endpoint of the idp, to use the Apache Http Client. (jira
Looking in the "org.keycloak.connections.httpclient.HttpClientBuilder" class, I don't see any configuration in RequestConfig that could allow to use system properties, or explicit proxy configuration.
Could you tell me if I'm looking at the wrong place or if I missed something ?
Thanks in advance.
7 years, 7 months