Adding information to session
by Nhut Thai Le
Is there anyway to add some custom data to the user session? I only use
Keycloak for authentication and after the user login (redirected to the
app), i want to set store some value to the user session. I can do this in
my servlet
session.setAttribute("customAttr", value);
But this would set on the app server, not on KC
6 years, 7 months
Can't logout using Jetty93 adapter
by Anselme Ndeke
Steps to reproduce:
- setup jetty93 adapter on jetty 9.3.10.v20160621
- download keycloak server 4.0.0.Beta1
- follow through keycloak-quistarts/app-profile-jee-vanilla tutorials
- try access the restricted page and login with user password
- logout
- try login again = you're still logged in (the session is alive on
keycloak server)
Expected: keycloak server should ask for user/password again
I attached a project based on the vanilla sample. The same generated war
works well on wildfly10.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.
Anselme NDEKE
6 years, 7 months
Dockerized Keycloak unreachable from host after migration
by Alexandr Pilin
Hi all,
I was trying to use import functionality with Keycloak docker image, and it
seems that import makes Keycloak unreachable from the host. Here is the
command I've used to start docker image:
docker run --name keycloak-demo -p 8180:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e
KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -v <path to the folder with exported .json
file>:/opt/jboss/compose-conf jboss/keycloak:3.4.3.Final
-Dkeycloak.migration.action=import -Dkeycloak.migration.provider=singleFile
Container starts without errors in logs, imports all the data, but I cannot
access it by http://localhost:8180 (I've got an empty reply from server) .
Although it is reachable from within container itself. After removing
migration command arguments from "docker run" command everything works.
I've compared logs and didn't found any explanation why this may happen.
The only difference seems to be is an import which completes without
I've tried with Keycloak. 3.4.3.Final and 4.0.0.beta on Windows and MacOS.
Docker version is 18.03.0-ce-win59 (16762).
I'm doing something wrong, or maybe it is not intended for migration
functionality to be working with the Docker image?
Thank you,
Best regards,
Aleksandr Pilin
6 years, 7 months
Keycloak Questionnaire
by Stian Thorgersen
We would love to gather some information on who is using Keycloak and how
it is being used. With that intent we have created a form here
I would greatly appreciate if as many as possible can fill this in.
Stian Thorgersen
Keycloak Project Lead
6 years, 7 months
LDAP Group mapping
by Daya Gnanasekaran
I'm trying to assign a keycloak group to an user based on their ldap group.
For example, i have groups in keycloak that are specific to my application
say app-admin and app-user (these groups i just used to aggregate roles).
In ldap the users are part of groups like developers and managers. Now i'm
trying to support a mapping a mapping between these groups, like if the
user is part of developers group then automatically add app-admin.
Any pointers to begin with?
6 years, 7 months
admin-client hang
by Nhut Thai Le
I'm writing a script to automate our realm setup using keycloak
admin-client. I use the same client for multiple calls and at some point,
my script hang. Is there any issue with using the same client for multiple
calls? Is each public method of the admin-client asynchronous? If yes, how
do I chain calls like: create realm-> create client -> create resource ->
create permissions -> create policy,...
6 years, 8 months
Read access token values with Spring-Boot-2-Adaper or Spring-Security-Adapter
by Kamil Kitowski
Hello everyone,
in my Keycloak configuration I mapped some additional information into my
access token and I'd like to read them in by backend services.
Is it achievable with just these adapters or do I need additional libraries
to parse incoming JWT token?
Best regards,
Kitowski Kamil
6 years, 8 months
Keycloak IDP Brokering + Spring Boot/Angular
by Yildirim, Suleyman
Hi all,
As a novice person in security and Keycloak, I have setup Keycloak Identity Provider to interact with ADFS using link I wonder how we test this setting using Angular and Spring Boot. Some details are below:
We are using Angular 1.x and Spring Boot for the project. I have implemented SSO with open id connect but implementation part of SAML is still confusing. There are tutorials for OpenID connect but not with SAML. How do we send SAML request to external ADFS using IDP broker using Spring Boot/Angular? Do I need to use Java adapters for that?
Best Regards,
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6 years, 8 months