Cross Realm authorization
we implemented a custom REST endpoint using RealmResourceProvider to search for users by their attributes. We then secured the endpoint by using:
AuthenticationManager.AuthResult authResult =
if (authResult == null) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException("Bearer token required");
throw new NotAuthorizedException("Necessary permission not available");
We now have the problem, that we want to access the endpoint with technical users which are in the master realm to separate them from the real end-users.
So the technical users get their access token from the master realm (which contains the necessary resource permissions for the user realm) and then access the endpoint in the user realm.
AuthenticationManager.AuthResult authResult =
if (authResult == null) {
throw new NotAuthorizedException("Bearer token required");
Always results in unauthorized.
Looking at the code and testing I think with authenticateBearerToken() cross realm authentication is not possible. Correct? Do you have a suggestion how to achieve our goal?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards
David Herrmann
Team Rising Stars
[Computergenerierter Alternativtext: RDIU]
Daimler AG
HPC G464
70546 Stuttgart
Mobil: +49 176 309 369 87
What3Words Address:
E-Mail: david_christian.herrmann(a)<>
Daimler AG
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