I think in a recent upgrade of Keycloak (we are now using 3.2.0.Final) the following issue
was introduced:
When a ‘user admin user’ (this is a realm user who has permissions to manage and view
users in Keycloak) logs in to Keycloak and this persion tries to add a new user the
‘required user actions’ dropdown is mangled and does not function properly. This seems to
be caused by a permission issue or something regarding the ‘select2.css’ resource. In the
browser I see that the select2.css file cannot be loaded.
However when an overall Keycloak admin logs in this dropdown just works fine.
Shall I report a JIRA issue for this? I do not really know what causes this but my guess
is that the manage / view user roles in Keycloak are missing some permissions somewhere.
These are the permissions the user admin user has:
- manage-users
- view-clients
- view-realm
- view-users