Hi Keycloak Users,
I tried to configure a dead simple Spring Boot CXF REST endpoint with
Keycloak Spring Boot Adapter in Bearer Only mode without any luck. It
appears the Keycloak Tomcat Valve fails authorization even before the
keycloak adapter ever gets a chance to parse the Bearer token and setup the
session. I would have thought that with AutoConfig it would just be that
... auto config. I added the below keycloak adapter configuration to the
application.yml file and made sure all required jars are on the classpath.
Does anyone have any suggestions or a link to a working example that shows
how to use Spring Boot with Keycloak *AND* CXF ?
Many thanks, Niels
application.yml configuration:
realm: demo
authServerUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/auth'
sslRequired: external
resource: test-client
bearerOnly: true
- authRoles: [ '*' ]
- name: authed
patterns: [ '/v1/secured' ]