yesterday I played a bit with the Group Policy.
But I didn't understand how it should work, the documentation for it is missing.
Assume I do have a user X part of the group A/B/C
All I expected to be required in the group policy is that I had to select a group like
During the policy check the corresponding identity groups will be loaded and checked
against the group policy groups.
So with this mental model I am complete wrong, because of the group claim. Within the
policy I have to provide a group claim
and within the GroupPolicyProvider based an the group claim a identity (user) attribute
will be loaded.
Please could somebody explain to me how this is expected to work?
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / with best regards
christian lutz / B. Sc.
software engineering
inovel elektronik gmbh
inovel systeme AG
gebhardstr. 7
88046 friedrichshafen
phone +49 (0) 7541 39900-35
fax +49 (0) 7541 39900-99
mail christianlutz(a)inovel.de
inovel elektronik gmbh
general manager: axel dittus, robert steinhauser
hrb 632191 amtsgericht ulm; VAT Reg. No.: DE811926597
inovel systeme AG
board of management: markus spinnenhirn (chairman), axel dittus, robert steinhauser
chairman of the supervisory board: joachim zodel
registered office: friedrichshafen; hrb 728443 amtsgericht ulm; VAT Reg. No.: DE814611877
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