does anyone possibly have similar concerns / a workaround? The Admin
Events View
in the Administration Console is of limited use for our Keycloak admins
if they have to lookup
the usernames of the concerned users.
In addition, it seems that the Admin Events do not contain information
on which role(s)
were assigned to / removed from a user - I can only see a general update
of the
Is this true? Is there a way to extend the Admin Events such that it is
possible to see which role(s) were
Thanks in advance, best regards,
On 06.04.19 10:39 Guido Wimmel wrote:
in the Admin Events / Login Events - View in the Administration Console
in Keycloak, I can see e.g. if users logged in or were assigned to a role.
However, the users are only referenced by their id.
I can determine the username by constructing an URL (e.g.
.../realms/<MY_REALM>/users/<UserId> ) and navigating to it.
Is there an easier way?
Best regards,
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