I am not sure, but maybe you will need to implement the adapter side for
this platform.
In shortcut, what needs to be done is to generate JWT, Sign it with a
client private key (corresponding public key must be available on
Keycloak server side, so Keycloak can later verify signature. See docs
for more details), encode to appropriate parameters (client_assertion,
client_assertion_type) and send to the server. See class
JWTClientCredentialsProvider as an example adapter implementation for
the java adapter.
On 06/09/18 17:34, Chris Nguyen wrote:
I am trying to implement client authentication with a signed JWT. The example in the
documentation shows how it works for a web adapter. How would one perform this on Android,
for example with AppAuth-Android or AeroGear for Android?
Client Authentication:
Chris Nguyen
keycloak-user mailing list