Indeed, I found a consents endpoints that appears to return Json. The
response is empty at the moment, I am going to look for the steps to
have it return something.
Thanks a lot!
Le 07/09/2016 à 11:44, Marek Posolda a écrit :
Yes, it should be. If you go to some user in admin console and click
"consents", you should see which admin REST endpoint was invoked (if
you use Firebug in FF or similar extension)
On 06/09/16 14:00, Grégoire Paris wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm trying to get a REST equivalent of
> /auth/realms/{my-realm}/account/applications , is there one and if yes,
> where is it documented? I've looked for it in the admin REST api doc,
> without luck, but maybe it's a separate API?
> The ultimate goal would be to be able to list applications a user has
> access to, from a special client application named "Dashboard", which
> aims at helping employees move easily from one application to another.
> If you're interested in fake internet points, you can answer this on SO:
> Have a nice day,