for keycloak to be use in my entreprise, i need to pass somes tests,
one of those is importing a data of test users with non conventional
When i use the GUI, i got no issues.
However when i use the CLI, i loose some specials character somewhere
i reproduiced the issue in my dev envoronement :
here is what i do to create the test user :
SSO_DEMO_USERNAME=anakin; ${JBOSS_HOME}/bin/kcadm.sh create users -r
"$SSO_REALM" -s username="$SSO_DEMO_USERNAME" -s
firstName='Roma.العربية.Việt Nam.中国.中國' -s lastName='Roma.العربية.Việt
Nam.中国.中國' -s email=$SSO_DEMO_USERNAME(a)mail.com -s enabled
The result is :
Created new user with id '8c6e99cb-58ad-45ae-a217-84e4dfd15c0b'
Here is a print screen with the previous command, the displayed
firstname/lastname associated (anakin user)
and the same one created with the GUI : obiwan
[image: image.png]
As you can see, only the one crated with the GUI do
I don't know if it's a bug or not.
if so should i created the a github issue with it ?
i tried to escape the characters with simple or double quotes : same
The keycloak version i use is comming from displays the name correctly
i think it's base on the 4.X realease, but there was no --version on the
kacadm binary, so i'm not sure
Thanks for any help