Hi All,
I am trying to run an oauth authentication and authorization server like a keycloak along
with the istio to enable some form of credentials management. I saw that many people had
run into the same. I am following this,
I am able to successfully block the user without token. I am able to get the token as
well. But the curl with token authorization fails from Istio's side. (curl -H
"Authorization: Bearer $token" customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip).nip.io). Also I
have been using keycloak from a few weeks. I saw that it gives the same token every time.
Is this behavior normal?
Are you aware of any such issue that you would have faced? Or Did you suggest any other
tutorial/Page that explains this better?
I am using 1.2.2 istio and keycloak 6.0.1.
Please do let me know on how to proceed.
Pramod Raghavendra Jayathirth