Hi All
I am using the nodejs adapter keycloak.protect() to authenticate (using openid-connect)
some of my http routes and have a problem that I hope someone out there can help with.
app.post(‘/foobar’, keycloak.protect(), doStuff);
The above works fine so long as the access token has not expired. But if its expired then
I see it sending back a 302 to refresh the access token (with the redirect_uri=/foobar).
Which is fine. I then see my browser doing a GET to keycloak to refresh the access token,
that succeeds and I get back a 302 to the original /foobar route. But the 302 method is
now a GET. Where as the original was a call was a POST. The will obviously fail as I have
not defined a get operation for the route.
What am I doing wrong here? Is there a way for me to tell keycloak that the redirect_uri
is associated with a POST method? And what happens if the original call had a body? How is
that handled?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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