I’m confused by your response, does it work fine with the OTP as defined in FreeIPA? I’m
not expecting users to re-configure their OTP codes for Keycloak once they’ve already
configured them in FreeIPA.
Callum Smith
Research Computing Core
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
University of Oxford
e. callum@well.ox.ac.uk<mailto:callum@well.ox.ac.uk>
On 17 Sep 2018, at 16:52, Jochen Hein
<jochen@jochen.org<mailto:jochen@jochen.org>> wrote:
Callum Smith <callum@well.ox.ac.uk<mailto:callum@well.ox.ac.uk>> writes:
Keycloak and FreeIPA have separate integrations of 2FA, though very
different obviously store keys in a different database. I was
wondering whether you can configure Keycloak to authenticate against
FreeIPA using the recommended SSSD method and also use the OTP/2FA as
configured in FreeIPA on the backend?
Yes, that works fine for password+OTP authentication. I couldn't get
Kerberos authentication with password+OTP going in keycloak, but
logging in with a kerberos ticket works fine.
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