I don't think this is supported. Also, like Bill and Stian stated in 2015 (
) in
theory it would be possible, but new issues may happen as we update.
On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 3:30 AM Burghard Britzke <bubi(a)charmides.in-berlin.de>
I posted it already on the [keycloak-user] mailing list without a
I want to run the keycloak server on a tomcat 8/9 instance. For that, I
found an article
which describes, how to deploy keycloak on tomcat. Unfortunately it
describes the version 1.1.0-Beta2, which is very old. It his web.xml a
filter is with the name
org.keycloak.services.filters.ClientConnectionFilter referenced. When
starting the context on tomcat8/9, a ClassNotFoundException is thrown.
I have been unable to resolve the dependency in 1.1.0-Beta2 and
3.2.0-Final, too.
The name of the class intends that it is from the keycloak project. Can
anybody post me a hint, where to find this class? I also asked the author
of the above article, but until now he did not answer.
https://britzke.berlin/ <
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
> An: keycloak-user(a)lists.jboss.org <mailto:keycloak-user@lists.jboss.org>
> in order to run a keycloak-server on tomcat, I am searching for a class
named org.keycloak.services.filters.ClientConnectionFilter. Could anybody
send me a hint where to find it? Could anybody share a link to a
documentation of this filter?
> --
> Gruß
> burghard.britzke
https://britzke.berlin/ <
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